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lctrt / sketch.lua
Created May 2, 2020 14:47
Crow exploration #1
-- crow exploration #1
function init()
metro[1].event = clock
metro[1].time = 2
metro[2].event = mod_speed
metro[2].time = 4
lctrt / sketch.lua
Created May 8, 2020 14:20
MS18S Sequencer - forked for JF usage
--- m185 ~ 2-voice sequencer inspired by RYK M-185
-- forked from
-- in 1: clock
-- output on channel 1 and 2 from JF
function shouldGateFire (stage, numStages, gateMode)
if stage <= numStages then
if gateMode == "all" or (gateMode == "single" and stage == 1) or
(gateMode == "every2" and (stage + 1) % 2 == 0) or
(gateMode == "every3" and (stage + 2) % 3 == 0) or