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le717 / checkacronym.js
Last active December 30, 2015 01:48
Match an acronym with it's full game name.
Created 2013 Triangle717
Please contact me at the address above if
you use this script in any of your work. :)
// Object containing the game names and acronyms
le717 / age-calc.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
From my tutorial "JS - Calculate your age" (
/* Calculate your age
* Created 2014-2015 Caleb Ely
* <>
* <>
* Calculate and display the year difference between two dates.
* @param {Object.<number>} date The starting date to calculate from.
le717 / goodcountdown.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
For Adventures in Website Design && Development – 6/26/14 (
function countDown() {
"use strict";
var curDate = new Date(),
curYear = curDate.getUTCFullYear();
var futureYear = curYear + 1,
futureMonth = 1, // UTC month value is zero-based
futureDay = 12;
// Format the date in a more readable form
le717 / badcountdown.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
For Adventures in Website Design && Development – 6/26/14 (
function countDown() {
var today = new Date()
var dayOfWeek = today.toLocaleString()
dayLocate = dayOfWeek.indexOf(" ")
weekDay = dayOfWeek.substring(0, dayLocate)
newDay = dayOfWeek.substring(dayLocate)
dateLocate = newDay.indexOf(",")
monthDate = newDay.substring(0, dateLocate+1)
yearLocate = dayOfWeek.indexOf("2014")
year = dayOfWeek.substr(yearLocate, 4)
le717 / battleship-v1-2.js
Created August 28, 2014 18:51
v1.2 of Elisabeth Robson ( )'s Battleship game from her book Head First JavaScript program, which I am using as the textbook at college. I call it v1.2 as I made it slightly more advanced than it should be at the end of Chapter 2. 😃
/* jshint -W097 */
/* global prompt, alert */
"use strict";
var guess,
loc1 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5),
loc2 = loc1 + 1,
loc3 = loc1 + 2,
hits = 0,
isSunk = false,
guesses = [];
le717 / scramble-name.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:09
Randomly scrambles the given username.
* Randomly scrambles the given username.
* @param {String} realName The username to be scrambled.
* @returns {String} The scrambled username.
function scrambleName(realName) {
"use strict";
var newName = "",
usedChar = [];
le717 / six-billion-names.js
Created November 14, 2014 20:02
For my blog post "6 billion names" (
* Randomly scrambles the given username.
* @param {String} realName The username to be scrambled.
* @returns {String} The scrambled username.
function scrambleName(realName) {
"use strict";
var newName = "",
function Rabbit() {
this.color = "white";
this.children = [];
Rabbit.prototype.pullFromHat = function() {
return !!Math.floor(Math.random() * 2);
Rabbit.prototype.haveChildren = function() {
class SOPOMessages:
def __init__(self):
self.__encodeLegend = {}
self.__decodeLegend = {}
# Only decode the legends once per instance
# We only need to check if the encoding legend is generated
# for both legends are generated at the same time
if len(self.__encodeLegend) == 0:
le717 /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
I have no clue what younger me was trying to do. At all. File dated January 9, 2013.
def circle_info(Peri, Area):
if select == "Area":
elif select == "Peri":
print("Sorry, invalid selection.")
def area_of_circle(rad):
return (3.14 * (rad ** 2))
def peri_of_circle(rad):