Edward Snowden answered questions after a showing of CITIZENFOUR at the IETF93 meeting; this is a transcript of the video recording.
For more information, see the Internet Society article.
/* | |
https://github.com/leeoniya/domvm (1.x-dev) | |
*/ | |
("undefined"!==typeof global?global:this).domvm={};(function(v){var y=("undefined"==typeof window?{}:window).requestAnimationFrame,z={animationIterationCount:!0,boxFlex:!0,boxFlexGroup:!0,columnCount:!0,counterIncrement:!0,fillOpacity:!0,flex:!0,flexGrow:!0,flexOrder:!0,flexPositive:!0,flexShrink:!0,"float":!0,fontWeight:!0,gridColumn:!0,lineHeight:!0,lineClamp:!0,opacity:!0,order:!0,orphans:!0,stopOpacity:!0,strokeDashoffset:!0,strokeOpacity:!0,strokeWidth:!0,tabSize:!0,transform:!0,transformOrigin:!0,widows:!0,zIndex:!0,zoom:!0},u={TYPE_ELEM:1, | |
TYPE_TEXT:2,isArr:function(c){return c instanceof Array},isVal:function(c){c=typeof c;return"string"===c||"number"===c},isObj:function(c){return"object"===typeof c&&null!==c&&!u.isArr(c)},isFunc:function(c){return"function"===typeof c},isProm:function(c){return"object"===typeof c&&u.isFunc(c.then)},isElem:function(c){return c instanceof HTMLElement},execAll:function(c,g,q,r,t,x){var w;c&&(u.isArr(c)?c:[c]).forEach(fu |
<html> | |
<head> | |
<title>domvm real-world render bench</title> | |
<script> | |
/* | |
How to use | |
---------- | |
0. Use a browser that doesnt truncate huge strings in the console. (recent Chrome doesnt) | |
1. Paste and execute the script in this comment into the console of any web page. | |
2. Copy/Paste the resulting template into the `tpl` variable of the body script below |
```html | |
<!doctype html> | |
<html> | |
<head> | |
<meta charset="utf-8"> | |
<title>DomChanger External Data</title> | |
</head> | |
<body> | |
<script src="../domchanger.js"></script> | |
<script> |
Edward Snowden answered questions after a showing of CITIZENFOUR at the IETF93 meeting; this is a transcript of the video recording.
For more information, see the Internet Society article.
This can be useful for cron
, for instance.
and jsonpp
is not necessary but makes the manual steps easier)(?:(SPC|SUITE|STE|APT|UNIT|BLDG|FLOOR|FL|ROOM|RM|DEPT)\b\.?\s*#? ?[0-9A-Z]+|\s+# ?[0-9A-Z-]+)$ |
// with Firefox closed, add these to your prefs.js file, restart Firefox | |
user_pref("extensions.enabledScopes", 5); | |
user_pref("plugin.scan.4xPluginFolder", false); | |
user_pref("plugin.scan.Acrobat", "100"); | |
user_pref("plugin.scan.Quicktime", "100"); | |
user_pref("plugin.scan.WindowsMediaPlayer", "100"); | |
user_pref("plugin.scan.plid.all", false); |
var net = require('net'); | |
function TcpPool() { | |
this.socks = {}; | |
} | |
TcpPool.prototype.send = function(host, port, endpt, data, respFn) { | |
var pool = this, | |
str = "tcp://" + host + ":" + port + endpt; |
$.getImgs = function(srcs, fn) { | |
var jqry = this, | |
dfds = [], | |
prms = []; | |
jqry.each(srcs, function(i, src) { | |
var img = new Image(), | |
dfd = jqry.Deferred(); | |
dfds.push(dfd); |
// test if js engine's Array#sort implementation is stable | |
var str = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; | |
str.split("").sort(function(a,b) { | |
return ~~(str.indexOf(b)/2.3) - ~~(str.indexOf(a)/2.3); | |
}).join("") == "xyzvwtursopqmnklhijfgdeabc"; |