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Leif Ringstad leifcr

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henrik / hash_deep_diff.rb
Created July 14, 2009 08:38
Recursively diff two Ruby hashes.
# Recursively diff two hashes, showing only the differing values.
# By Henrik Nyh <> 2009-07-14 under the MIT license.
# Example:
# a = {
# "same" => "same",
# "diff" => "a",
# "only a" => "a",
# "nest" => {
jnunemaker / mongo_mapper_new_relic.rb
Created January 8, 2010 09:04
MongoMapper NewRelic Integration
# Have to use ActiveRecord so that New Relic shows it on all graphs.
# The push scope false stuff makes it so that you can track usage by model and overall.
if defined?(NewRelic)
module MongoMapperNewRelic
def self.included(model)
mm_class_methods = [
# Just drop this little diddy in your app to get some (not perfect) information on query times and such
# This will eventually become an official plugin but for those who can't wait, enjoy.
if defined?(NewRelic)
module MMNewRelicTracing
def self.included(model)
model.metaclass.class_eval do
add_method_tracer :find, 'Database/#{}/find'
add_method_tracer :find!, 'Database/#{}/find!'
add_method_tracer :paginate, 'Database/#{}/paginate'
add_method_tracer :first, 'Database/#{}/first'
# Config for Nginx to act as a front-end for Riak
# The main goal is to proxy all GETs directly to Riak, and disallow anything else (POST, PUT, etc)
# Also, disallow use of the map/reduce query links (i.e. /riak/bucket/key/_,_,_)
# Config is in /etc/nginx/sites-available/default or somewhere like that
# Set up load-balancing to send requests to all nodes in the Riak cluster
# Replace these IPs/ports with the locations of your Riak nodes
upstream riak_hosts {
eligrey / object-watch.js
Created April 30, 2010 01:38 polyfill in ES5
* polyfill
* 2012-04-03
* By Eli Grey,
* Public Domain.
zhengjia / capybara cheat sheet
Created June 7, 2010 01:35
capybara cheat sheet
=Clicking links and buttons=
click_link('Link Text')
click('Link Text') # Click either a link or a button
click('Button Value')
ThatRendle / Git Bash.vbs
Created November 25, 2010 17:31
Modified Git Bash to use Console2
Set AppObj = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
If WScript.Arguments.Length=1 Then
AppObj.ShellExecute "C:\Console2\Console.exe", " -t ""Git Bash"" -d """ & WScript.Arguments(0) & """"
AppObj.ShellExecute "C:\Console2\Console.exe", " -t ""Git Bash"""
End If
joelambert / README
Created June 1, 2011 11:03
Drop in replacements for setTimeout()/setInterval() that makes use of requestAnimationFrame() where possible for better performance
Drop in replace functions for setTimeout() & setInterval() that
make use of requestAnimationFrame() for performance where available
Copyright 2011, Joe Lambert.
Free to use under the MIT license.


Fibur is a library that allows concurrency during Ruby I/O operations without needing to make use of callback systems. Traditionally in Ruby, to achieve concurrency during blocking I/O operations, programmers would make use of Fibers and callbacks. Fibur eliminates the need for wrapping your I/O calls with Fibers and a callback. It allows you to write your blocking I/O calls the way you normally would, and still have concurrent execution during those I/O calls.


Say you have a method that fetches data from a network resource:

Overbryd / path-in-mac-osx-10.7.mdown
Created January 24, 2012 09:58
Correcting $PATH in MacOSX 10.7 for homebrew

$PATH in MacOSX 10.7

MacOSX has a truly global path setting that precedes any other setting like ~/.bash_profile. The file /private/etc/paths is a list of pathnames. The order from top to bottom defines the resulting order in the $PATH variable. After loading /private/etc/paths there is a directory /private/etc/paths.d/ with files in the same style. Those are appended to the $PATH variable.

The default content of /private/etc/paths looks like this:

