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Created May 25, 2021 15:15
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module.exports = {
plain: {
color: 'rgb(36, 41, 46)',
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styles: [
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color: 'rgb(78, 201, 176)',
// Fix tag color for HTML
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color: 'rgb(86, 156, 214)',
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style: {
color: 'rgb(36, 41, 46)',
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color: 'rgb(0, 92, 197)',
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style: {
color: 'rgb(0, 92, 197)',
// Fix punctuation color for HTML
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color: '#808080',
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style: {
color: 'rgb(111, 66, 193)',
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style: {
color: 'rgb(78, 201, 176)',
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color: 'rgb(227, 98, 9)',
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style: {
color: 'rgb(209, 105, 105)',
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style: {
color: 'rgb(0, 92, 197)',
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style: {
color: 'rgb(111, 66, 193)',
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color: 'rgb(3, 47, 98)',
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color: 'rgb(3, 47, 98)',
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color: 'rgb(0, 92, 197)',
languages: ['json'],
types: ['comment'],
style: {
backgroundColor: 'rgb(179, 29, 40)',
color: 'rgb(250, 251, 252)',
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