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Lorenzo Miniero lminiero

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(gdb) bt
#0 0x00007fffd02cfc01 in mem_realloc (data=0x4048000000000000, size=246290605539337) at src/mem/mem.c:200
#1 0x00007fffd02c7dd6 in mbuf_resize (mb=0x7fffc93414c0, size=246290605539337)
at src/mbuf/mbuf.c:125
#2 0x00007fffd02c802a in mbuf_write_mem (mb=0x7fffc93414c0, buf=0x7fff9c003bb0 "lminieros", size=9) at src/mbuf/mbuf.c:221
#3 0x00007fffd02c8493 in vprintf_handler (p=0x7fff9c003bb0 "lminieros", size=9, arg=0x7fffc93414c0) at src/mbuf/mbuf.c:479
#4 0x00007fffd02ca3a6 in write_padded (p=0x7fff9c003bb0 "lminieros", sz=9, pad=18446744073709551615, pch=32 ' ', plr=false, prfx=0x0, vph=0x7fffd02c8460 <vprintf_handler>, arg=0x7fffc93414c0) at src/fmt/print.c:62
#5 0x00007fffd02cb1e5 in re_vhprintf (fmt=0x7fffd02d8be6 "%s:%s:%s", ap=0x7fffc93414a8, vph=0x7fffd02c8460 <vprintf_handler>, arg=0x7fffc93414c0)
at src/fmt/print.c:349
#6 0x00007fffd02c84c7 in mbuf_vprintf (mb=0x7fffc93414c0, fmt=0x7fffd02d8be6 "%s:%s:%s", ap=0x7fffc93414a8) at src/mbuf/mbuf.c:494
#0 0x00007f11805d7c01 in mem_realloc (data=0x4048000000000000, size=246290605539337) at src/mem/mem.c:200
#1 0x00007f11805cfdd6 in mbuf_resize (mb=0x7f11727fb4c0, size=246290605539337)
at src/mbuf/mbuf.c:125
#2 0x00007f11805d002a in mbuf_write_mem (mb=0x7f11727fb4c0, buf=0x7f1148002390 "janususer", size=9) at src/mbuf/mbuf.c:221
#3 0x00007f11805d0493 in vprintf_handler (p=0x7f1148002390 "janususer", size=9, arg=0x7f11727fb4c0) at src/mbuf/mbuf.c:479
#4 0x00007f11805d23a6 in write_padded (p=0x7f1148002390 "janususer", sz=9, pad=18446744073709551615, pch=32 ' ', plr=false, prfx=0x0, vph=0x7f11805d0460 <vprintf_handler>, arg=0x7f11727fb4c0) at src/fmt/print.c:62
#5 0x00007f11805d31e5 in re_vhprintf (fmt=0x7f11805e0be6 "%s:%s:%s", ap=0x7f11727fb4a8, vph=0x7f11805d0460 <vprintf_handler>, arg=0x7f11727fb4c0)
at src/fmt/print.c:349
#6 0x00007f11805d04c7 in mbuf_vprintf (mb=0x7f11727fb4c0, fmt=0x7f11805e0be6 "%s:%s:%s", ap=0x7f11727fb4a8) at src/mbuf/mbuf.c:494
#7 0x00007f11805c65bb in md5_printf (md=
lminiero / specops-openal.log
Created May 24, 2015 17:35
openal-soft log
AL lib: (II) alc_initconfig: Supported backends: pulse, alsa, oss, null, wave
AL lib: (II) ReadALConfig: Loading config /etc/openal/alsoft.conf...
AL lib: (II) ReadALConfig: Loading config /etc/xdg/alsoft.conf...
AL lib: (II) ReadALConfig: Loading config /home/rain/.alsoftrc...
AL lib: (II) ReadALConfig: Loading config /home/rain/.config/alsoft.conf...
AL lib: (II) GetConfigValue: Key disable-cpu-exts not found
AL lib: (II) FillCPUCaps: Detected max CPUID function: 0xb (ext. 0x80000008)
AL lib: (II) FillCPUCaps: Vendor ID: ""
AL lib: (II) FillCPUCaps: Name: "Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHz"
AL lib: (II) FillCPUCaps: Extensions: +SSE +SSE2 +SSE4.1
lminiero / eon.txt
Created May 24, 2015 12:24
eon.xt content
[thread ffffffff][I][0]: Log system initialised
[thread ffffffff][I][0]: Default allowed number of simultaneously open files in the system is 2448.
[thread ffffffff][I][0]: Current memlock limit is 65536.
[thread ffffffff][I][0]: setrlimit(RLIMIT_MEMLOCK) failed, (1) Operation not permitted
[thread ffffffff][I][0]: setup_teb_register() - using LDT entry 13
[thread 00000001][I][116]: OpenGL Core context version 3.2 detected
[thread 00000001][I][520]: OpenGL information:
[thread 00000001][I][520]: renderer: GeForce GTX 970/PCIe/SSE2
[thread 00000001][I][520]: vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
[thread 00000001][I][520]: version: 3.2.0 NVIDIA 346.59
lminiero / systeminfo.txt
Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
System Information
Processor Information:
Vendor: GenuineIntel
CPU Family: 0x6
CPU Model: 0x1a
CPU Stepping: 0x5
CPU Type: 0x0
Speed: 3319 Mhz
8 logical processors
4 physical processors
HyperThreading: Supported