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💻 Doing computer stuff.


💻 Doing computer stuff.
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lmintmate / .nanorc
Last active April 7, 2019 13:49
My nanorc file (nano 4.0)
## when compiling nano from source, make sure you use ./configure --enable-utf8. See
## syntax highlighting: After compiling the latest version of nano from source, I wasn't able to find where the builtin syntax files are stored (if they were even installed). Thankfully, there's a repo on github with improved nano syntax highlighting files:
include "~/.nano/*.nanorc"
## Options
## for more options see the nano manual:
## the color related options are set based on my terminal colors, and will probably not look good wth different colors
## set soft wrap
set softwrap
## When soft line wrapping is enabled, make it wrap lines at blank characters (tabs and spaces) instead of always at the edge of the screen. (from nano manual)
set atblanks
lmintmate / blue-mood.xml
Last active September 25, 2019 14:00
[DEPRECATED - MOVED TO REPO] Blue Mood theme for Conemu / Cmder
<value name="ColorTable00" type="dword" data="008b4e10"/>
<value name="ColorTable01" type="dword" data="008b0000"/>
<value name="ColorTable02" type="dword" data="0000ff7f"/>
<value name="ColorTable03" type="dword" data="00cdcd00"/>
<value name="ColorTable04" type="dword" data="004763ff"/>
<value name="ColorTable05" type="dword" data="004763ff"/>
<value name="ColorTable06" type="dword" data="0000d7ff"/>
<value name="ColorTable07" type="dword" data="00f5f5f5"/>
<value name="ColorTable08" type="dword" data="00945c23"/>
<value name="ColorTable09" type="dword" data="00b8b8b8"/>
lmintmate /
Last active September 24, 2019 05:26
Blue Mood theme for Gnome terminal and derivatives via Gogh ( Installation instructions in the comments.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# ====================CONFIG THIS =============================== #
export COLOR_01="#000000" # Black
export COLOR_02="#FF0000" # Red
export COLOR_03="#7FFF00" # Green
export COLOR_04="#FFD700" # Yellow
export COLOR_05="#235C94" # Blue
export COLOR_06="#4F94CD" # Cyan
export COLOR_07="#F5DEB3" # Magenta
lmintmate / mythic gme 2e random event
Last active August 1, 2023 08:58
Mythic GME 2e Random Event Checker
# Mythic GME 2e Random Event checker
# author: lmintmate
# MIT license
# I always found it hard to remember after rolling for a Fate Question to check
# if the result was a double digit number (11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, or 99),
# the single digit value of which was equal to or less than the current Chaos Factor,
# and as such I could forget to trigger a Random Event.
# So I wrote this little script to hopefully fix that.
# sources: