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Lincoln Mullen lmullen

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lmullen / thatcamp-twitter-stream.php
Created November 18, 2010 17:29
Code for a WordPress widget that will display the latest on THATCamp from Twitter
include_once(ABSPATH . WPINC . '/rss.php');
$rss = fetch_rss('');
$maxitems = 3;
$items = array_slice($rss->items, 0, $maxitems);
<ul id="twitter">
<?php if (empty($items)) echo '<li>No items</li>';
foreach ( $items as $item ) : ?>
lmullen / footnotify.css
Created April 27, 2012 01:46 — forked from hpeikemo/footnotify.css
* Customize Footnotify on your site by adding custom css.
* This file is NOT loaded by the script and must be
* implemented on the site in order to apply.
* More info:
lmullen / brownson-orestes.yml
Created May 2, 2012 21:43
Modeling historical events in YAML and Ruby
# A model of a convert's life
name-last : Brownson
name-first : Orestes Augustus
born : 1803-09-16
died : 1876-04-17
birth-religion : Congregationalism
conversions :
lmullen /
Created August 17, 2012 18:25
Dissertation word count scripts
source /Users/lmullen/.bash_profile
EPOCH=$(date +"%s")
WCCH1=$(wc -w /Users/lmullen/acad/dissertation/ | sed 's/\/Users\/lmullen\/acad\/dissertation\/' | sed 's/ //g')
WCCH2=$(wc -w /Users/lmullen/acad/dissertation/ | sed 's/\/Users\/lmullen\/acad\/dissertation\/' | sed 's/ //g')
WCCH3=$(wc -w /Users/lmullen/acad/dissertation/ | sed 's/\/Users\/lmullen\/acad\/dissertation\/' | sed 's/ //g')
WCCH4=$(wc -w /Users/lmullen/acad/dissertation/ | sed 's/\/Users\/lmullen\/acad\/dissertation\/' | sed 's/ //g')
WCCH5=$(wc -w /Users/lmullen/acad/dissertation/ | sed 's/\/Users\/lmullen\/acad\/dissertation\/' | sed 's/ //g')
lmullen /
Created September 15, 2012 16:57
A shell script to delay checking e-mail (or really, any action)
# A shell script to convince me not to check my e-mail.
# Lincoln Mullen | | [email protected]
read -p "Do you really need to check your e-mail (y/n)? " yn
case $yn in
y|Y ) echo "You'll have to wait. CTRL+C to get back to work."; sleep 180; mutt;;
n|N ) exit;;
lmullen / gist:3767386
Created September 22, 2012 18:50
Make all markdown files in directory into PDFs
# Produce PDFs from all Markdown files in a directory
# Lincoln Mullen | | [email protected]
# List files to be made by finding all *.md files and appending .pdf
PDFS := $(patsubst,,$(wildcard *.md))
# The all rule makes all the PDF files listed
all : $(PDFS)
# This generic rule accepts PDF targets with corresponding Markdown
lmullen / BibTeX-lam.js
Created November 3, 2012 16:32
customized BibTeX exporter for Zotero
"translatorID": "9cb70025-a888-4a29-a210-93ec52da40d4",
"translatorType": 3,
"label": "BibTeX",
"creator": "Simon Kornblith and Richard Karnesky",
"target": "bib",
"minVersion": "2.1.9",
"maxVersion": null,
"priority": 200,
"inRepository": true,
lmullen / .slate
Created February 8, 2013 04:19
My configuration file for the Slate window manager
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# See
config defaultToCurrentScreen true
config secondsBeforeRepeat 0.4
config secondsBetweenRepeat 0.1
config keyboardLayout "qwerty"
config nudgePercentOf screenSize
config resizePercentOf screenSize
lmullen / 10print.rb
Last active December 15, 2015 01:08
10print in Ruby, just because.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
print (9585+rand(0..1)).chr(Encoding::UTF_8) while true
lmullen / Rakefile
Last active December 15, 2015 08:19
A Rakefile to install my Omeka development server
desc "There is no default task"
task :default do
puts "There is no default task. Try one of these:"
sh "rake --tasks"
desc "Setup Omeka"
task :setup_omeka => [:omeka_download, "omeka-dev", :omeka_copy_files, :omeka_install_official_plugins, :omeka_link_dev_theme, :omeka_link_dev_plugins] do
puts "Omeka is setup."