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Khaïs COLIN logistic-bot

View GitHub Profile
logistic-bot / out (with control characters)
Created May 28, 2020 07:41
./notcurses-tester -p ../data > out 2>&1
(B(B[doctest] doctest version is "2.3.8"
[doctest] run with "--help" for options
[?1h=[?1h=[?1h=[?1h=[?1h=[?1h=[?1h=DirectMode *italic*!
(B(B(B(B[?1h=DirectMode *bold*!
(B(B(B(B[?1h=DirectMode *underline*!
(B(BTerm: 40x170 xterm-termite (VTE-based terminal)
notcurses 1.4.3 by nick black et al
40 rows, 170 columns (106,25KiB), 256 colors (direct)
compiled with gcc-9.3.0
❯ cmake ..
-- Requested multimedia engine: ffmpeg
-- Requested build mode: RelWithDebInfo
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/khais/Downloads/notcurses/build
❯ make
[ 9%] Built target notcurses
[ 10%] Building Python wrappers
running build
"unconstrained": {
"title": "Unconstrained self-modification",
"description": "Log format for the game unconstrained self-modification",
"regex": {
"basic": {
"pattern": "^(?<timestamp>.*) (?<level>(INFO|CRITICAL|DEBUG|ERROR)) (?<module>.*):(?<func>.*):(?<lineno>\\d+) | (?<m>.*)$"
"level-field": "level",
2020-07-26 17:18:43,820 INFO src:<module>:43 | Logger configured
2020-07-26 17:18:43,820 DEBUG src:<module>:44 | game root: /home/khais/src/mind_control
2020-07-26 17:18:43,820 DEBUG src:<module>:45 | log file: /home/khais/src/mind_control/log/unconstrained_self_modification.log
2020-07-26 17:18:43,865 INFO __main__:<module>:44 | Starting game
2020-07-26 17:18:43,865 DEBUG src.core.render:__init__:38 | Crate CursesRenderer and init curses
2020-07-26 17:18:43,866 INFO src.core.engine:__init__:44 | Created game engine.
2020-07-26 17:18:43,866 INFO src.core.engine:start:52 | Starting game
2020-07-26 17:18:43,866 DEBUG src.core.scene:__init__:43 | Created new Scene
2020-07-26 17:18:43,866 INFO src.core.engine:start:60 | Current scene: <src.scenes.startup.StartupScene object at 0x7f02a91158b0>
2020-07-26 17:18:43,866 DEBUG src.core.scene:clear:99 | Clearing screen
2020-07-26T17:21:14.576 E syscall failed `mkdir(path.c_str(), 0755)' -- File exists
2020-07-26T17:21:14.576 E syscall failed `mkdir(path.c_str(), 0755)' -- File exists
2020-07-26T17:21:14.576 E syscall failed `mkdir(path.c_str(), 0755)' -- File exists
2020-07-26T17:21:14.576 E syscall failed `mkdir(path.c_str(), 0755)' -- File exists
2020-07-26T17:21:14.581 E syscall failed `mkdir(path.c_str(), 0755)' -- File exists
2020-07-26T17:21:14.581 I lnav started
2020-07-26T17:21:14.581 D foo x06 1
2020-07-26T17:21:14.581 D foo x0c 1
2020-07-26T17:21:14.581 D foo x12 1
2020-07-26T17:21:14.581 D foo x21 1
logistic-bot / boot.asm
Created August 30, 2020 15:13
Prints the alphabet, in alternating caps (aBcD...)
; bios setup
mov ah, 0x0e
; print
mov bl, 0 ; offset
mov bh, 97 ; lowercase
mov ch, 65 ; uppercase
; lowercase
logistic-bot / gruvbox.gpl
Last active November 21, 2020 14:10
Gruvbox dark palette for inkscape and gimp
GIMP Palette
Name: Gruvbox dark
Columns: 50
40 40 40 bg
146 131 116 gray
168 153 132 gray
235 219 178 fg
204 36 29 red