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Android Lover

Lopez Mikhael lopspower

Android Lover
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lopspower /
Last active February 8, 2025 22:00
What's difference between -nodpi and -anydpi?

Difference between -nodpi and -anydpi

Android Studio exposes developers to -nodpi and -anydpi in various places. For example, if you use the New Resource Directory wizard thing, and you choose to add a density qualifier to the directory, you will see "No Density" (-nodpi) and "Any Density" (-anydpi) options.

Some of you might expect these to be well-documented.

In a word, no.

However, courtesy of a fair amount of experimentation (largely done as part of work on this Stack Overflow question and this answer), their use becomes at least a bit clearer. Many thanks to Stack Overflow user rds for the help!

lopspower /
Last active February 24, 2021 23:51
Configuration of

Proguard Configuration


1) Enable Proguard in your build.gradle module :

android {
 buildTypes {
lopspower /
Last active December 19, 2019 13:10
Testing activity in Android Studio

Testing activity in Android Studio

How we build the app

Before we start writing our first UI test I want to describe our development process.

  1. First, we write a test for a UI or logic that does not yet exist.
  2. We expect to see build errors or failed tests.
  3. Then we create a UI element or write program logic.
  4. Finally, we run the test and make sure it passes.
lopspower /
Last active August 20, 2023 09:32
How to Analyze & Manage Memory on Android Like a Boss

Analyze & Manage Memory on Android Like a Boss

This Blog is all about memory management in Android. It provides information about how you can analyze & reduce memory usage while developing an Android app.

Memory management is a complex field of computer science and there are many techniques being developed to make it more efficient. This guide is designed to introduce you to some of the basic memory management issues that programmers face.

Memory Management in Android

Android is a Linux based operating system. It uses native open source C libraries which power Linux machines. All the basic operating system operations like I/O, memory management and so on are handled by the Linux kernel. Like Java and .NET, Android uses its own run time and virtual machine to manage application memory. Unlike either of these frameworks, the Android run time also manages the lifetime processes. Each Android application runs in a separate process within its own Dalvik instance, relinquishing all responsibility for memo

lopspower /
Last active January 19, 2023 09:25
EventBus Introduction

EventBus Introduction


General usage and API

Here we pick up on the 3 steps of the README and expand a bit on the code.

1: Define events

Events are POJO (plain old Java object) without any specific requirements.

lopspower /
Last active April 30, 2019 10:26
Retrofit Introduction

Retrofit Introduction

Twitter API

Type-safe HTTP client for Android and Java by Square, Inc.


lopspower /
Last active June 19, 2024 07:20
Material Animations

Material Animations

Android Arsenal

[Android Transition Framework][transition-framework] can be used for three main things:

  1. Animate activity layout content when transitioning from one activity to another.
  2. Animate shared elements (Hero views) in transitions between activities.
  3. Animate view changes within same activity.
lopspower /
Last active January 20, 2024 09:18
Publish AAR to jCenter and Maven Central

Publish AAR to jCenter and Maven Central


EDIT: You can find this same updated tutorial here -> Medium

Now I'm going to list how to publish an Android libray to jCenter and then syncronize it with Maven Central:

  1. I use "Android Studio" and I have this simple android lib that I would like to be available on maven: CircularImageView
lopspower /
Last active December 25, 2019 08:33
Android M Permissions

Android M Permissions


1) Android Permissions

Beginning in Android 6.0 (API level 23), users grant permissions to apps while the app is running, not when they install the app. This approach streamlines the app install process, since the user does not need to grant permissions when they install or update the app. It also gives the user more control over the app's functionality; for example, a user could choose to give a camera app access to the camera but not to the device location. The user can revoke the permissions at any time, by going to the app's Settings screen.

Normal and Dangerous Permissions

lopspower /
Last active January 9, 2025 17:33
All Android Directory Path

All Android Directory Path


1) System directories

⚠️ We can't write to these folers

Method Result