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Live long 🖖🖖and Python 🐍🐍!

Lorena Mesa lorenanicole

Live long 🖖🖖and Python 🐍🐍!
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lorenanicole / gist:6907486
Last active December 25, 2015 03:09
RVM: 10.8.5 Mountain Lion package_install_autoconf_automake_libtool_pkg-config_libyaml_readline_libksba_openssl.log
[2013-10-09 15:10:03] requirements_osx_brew_libs_install
requirements_osx_brew_libs_install ()
brew unlink "$@" || true;
brew install "$@" || {
typeset ret=$?;
rvm_warn "There were package installation errors, make sure to read the log.
Try \`brew tap --repair\` and make sure \`brew doctor\` looks reasonable.
lorenanicole / 0.2.1-boggle_class_from_methods.rb
Last active December 28, 2015 16:29 — forked from dbc-challenges/0.2.1-boggle_class_from_methods.rb
phase 0 unit 2 week 1 boggle class challenge
class BoggleBoard
attr_accessor :board
def initialize(board)
@board = board
def create_word(*coords) { |coord| @board[coord.first][coord.last]}.join("")
class Car
@@WHEELS = 4
def initialize(args)
@color = args[:color]
@wheels = @@WHEELS
def drive
@status = :driving
def brake
/* Here is your chance to take over Socrates!
Spend 10 minutes on each of the following hacks to the Socrates website.
Enter them in the console to make sure it works and then save
your results here.
Choose a new pair for each. Add your names to the section you complete.
lorenanicole / index.html
Created February 6, 2014 04:26 — forked from dbc-challenges/index.html
DBC Phase 2 Practice Assessment Part 3
<!doctype html>
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lorenanicole / index.html
Last active August 29, 2015 13:56 — forked from dbc-challenges/index.html
DBC Phase 2 Practice Assessment Part 3
<!doctype html>
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lorenanicole / form-validator.js
Created February 6, 2014 19:20 — forked from ksolo/form-validator.js
Form Validation
// shorthand for $(document).ready();
//Your code...
<title>Post-It Board</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css">
<body id="board">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
lorenanicole / gist:01cfa75361adc6a944a1
Last active August 29, 2015 14:26 — forked from ramonsmits/gist:7563502
Example of Mandrill webhook JSON data.
"event": "send",
"msg": {
"ts": 1365109999,
"subject": "This an example webhook message",
"email": "[email protected]",
"sender": "[email protected]",
"tags": [