most of these require logout/restart to take effect
# Enable character repeat on keydown
defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false
# Set a shorter Delay until key repeat
read.tps = function(data) { | |
# Reads the .tps file format produced by TPSDIG | |
# ( into a single data frame | |
# USAGE: R> read.tps("filename.tps") | |
a = readLines(data) # so we can do some searching and indexing | |
LM = grep("LM", a) # find the line numbers for LM | |
ID.ind = grep("ID", a) # find the line numbers for ID | |
# and the ID values, SCALE values, and image names | |
ID = gsub("(ID=)(.*)", "\\2", grep("ID", a, value=T)) | |
SCALE = gsub("(SCALE=)(.*)", "\\2", grep("SCALE", a, value=T)) |