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louislam /
Last active February 1, 2025 10:04
Y700 (2023) 二代 - 解鎖Bootloader/Root/小技巧分享

最近買咗Y700二代,生產日期比較新,跟機系統版本係 15.0.774,網上好多文章資源唔啱用。所以自己整理一下,方便日後更新。未必新手友好,本文假設你已懂得用 adb 和 fastboot,過往有 root 其他機經驗。

因 15.0.774 開始唔俾刷國際ROM,第3方ROM又好似問題多多,所以本文都係集中講中國ROM。


Unlock 解鎖 Bootloader

import os
import shutil
import bpy
basedir = 'E:\! TOTK' # base dir, other dirs are relative to this
dirs = ['modelsAndTextures'] # input dirs
fbxdir = 'FBX' # output dir
faileddir = 'FBX-failed' # FBX files should get moved here if an error happens after the file was created (unlikely)
blenddir = 'Blend' # the script will create a .blend file and drop it here in case it fails to export the fbx file

I assigned map tile names based on a loose approximation of what's there. It may not be comprehensive for all elevations.
I didn't do medium tiles because they're less coherent and not much of gameplay interest is there.
Explanation and more readable version:

This is maintained for the FromSoft modding discord server ?ServerName? (
If this document was in any way useful to you, contribute your findings and corrections there.

m10_00_00_00 Stormveil Castle
m10_01_00_00 Chapel of Anticipation

idbrii /
Last active January 29, 2025 23:58
An inline image version of Matt Walker's translation of CEDEC 2017 talks by Nintendo