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Leonardo Sandoval lsandov1

  • Red Hat
  • Guadalajara, Mexico
  • 00:15 (UTC -12:00)
View GitHub Profile
== Patching in the YP
. <<anchor-git-basics,Basics>> Git commands
. Table of YP's <<anchor-yp-repositories, Repositories>>
. Patch's <<anchor-patch-creation,creation>>
. Patch's <<anchor-patch-submission,submission>>
. <<anchor-post-patch, Post-patch>> submission
. <<anchor-good-os-practices,Good OpenSource practices>>
. <<anchor-scripts, Scritps>>
. <<anchor-links, Links>>
# first part: remove disable accounts
disabled_accounts = query("where"=> "status is pause or delete") # This is a Ooyala V2 Request
for each disabled_account in disabled_accounts
remove disabled_account folder on webDav server (there is no need to mark embed code's as deleted, I believe)
# second part: remove delete assets on (live) accounts
accounts = query("where" => "status is live") # This is an Ooyala V2 Request
for each account in accounts