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Lukas ludurr

  • Prague
  • 13:46 (UTC -12:00)
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codingoutloud / make-keys.bat
Last active October 3, 2024 07:10
Handy OpenSSL command-line combinations I've used - they might've been hard to find or come up with, so capturing them here.
@echo off
if _%1_==__ goto USAGE
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:1024 -keyout mycert.pem -out mycert.pem -subj "/CN=My Cert Name"
openssl pkcs12 -export -out mycert.pfx -inkey mycert.pem -in mycert.pem -passout pass:%1
openssl x509 -inform pem -in mycert.pem -outform der -out mycert.cer
openssl pkcs12 -in mycert.pfx -nodes -passin pass:%1 | openssl x509 -noout -fingerprint
openssl x509 -in mycert.pem -noout -fingerprint
reachlin / prometheus.yml
Created April 19, 2017 07:06
sample prometheus configuration explained
// For all the confusing Prometheus configuration and
// regular expressions,
// explained in examples.
// Remember, there are default values for each item if it's missing.
// regex is (.*),
// replacement is $1,
// separator is ;
// ,and action is replace
nethoncho /
Created December 13, 2017 07:07 — forked from houtianze/
Convert SysV Init scripts to Systemd Unit File

Let's say you have a SysV Init Script named foo

  1. Copy the file to /etc/init.d/foo

  2. Enable the SysV service: chkconfig --add foo

  3. Enable the SysV service: chkconfig foo on

  4. Start the service: service foo start. After this, systemd-sysv-generator will generate this file /run/systemd/generator.late/foo.service, copy this file to /etc/systemd/system by running: cp /run/systemd/generator.late/foo.service /etc/systemd/system/foo.service

  5. Edit /etc/systemd/system/foo.service by running systemctl edit foo.service, add in the following line to foo.servie (this makes the service installable)


udkyo / Dockerfile
Last active May 1, 2024 12:51
Basic container for X11 forwarding goodness
FROM ubuntu
RUN apt update \
&& apt install -y firefox \
openssh-server \
xauth \
&& mkdir /var/run/sshd \
&& mkdir /root/.ssh \
&& chmod 700 /root/.ssh \
&& ssh-keygen -A \
&& sed -i "s/^.*PasswordAuthentication.*$/PasswordAuthentication no/" /etc/ssh/sshd_config \
palma21 /
Last active January 20, 2020 15:41 — forked from cpuguy83/

This script helps to clean up vmss nodes that may have Azure disks attached to it that should not be due to bugs in Kubernetes. The specific case for this is that a disk has been re-attached to by Kubernetes when it should not have been.

This DOES NOT detect a bad node/disk, only assists in cleaning it up.
