Full version out! http://zachbruggeman.me/github-for-cats/
Because cats just wanna have forks.
If you’re a cat, you probably haven’t heard of GitHub. Maybe your human companion has, but they don’t really know how to explain it to you. (Which, as a cat, is extremely frustrating.) GitHub is a website that allows content creators, whether it be via programming, blogging, or issue-reporting, to collaborate together and to learn from each other. It’s powered by a “distributed version control system” called git. A “distributed version control system” sounds pretty complicated, but it really isn’t. What it really means is that lets you, a cat, manage all of the stuff you have made (like maybe some JavaScript?) in one place, and be able to go back in time to see what you did before. It also lets other cats (or maybe humans) see what you’ve done, and help you out with it. This guide will get you introduced to the world of git and GitHub, and it might even