# Ad_video barrel - Type _[String]_ "add_video" -> "add:video" (feed.json) -> "video-ad" (slider.js) - timestamp _[Timestamp]_ Time at which barrel drops (hh:mm:ss). - title _[String]_ Title of the Barrel. - name _[String]_ Name of the Barrel. - show-timer _[Boolean]_ Specify if the barrel should show clock - platform Availability _[String]_ Specify which platform this should be available for. - alignment _[String]_ (Required) Alignment of the video on desktop / table version of the app. - Images: Try uploading the largest image first then save to see if it suffices as it will automatically resize to smaller image. Image will ONLY resize if the dimesnion of the uploaded image is correct. Barrel image (2730x1536,1465x768), snap state image (640x360,320x180), and Zoomed Out Image (452x254,226x127) to be used for the barrel. - image-tf-2730x1536 _[Url]_ (__required__) - image-tf-1365x768 - image-tf-1136x640 - image-tf-960x540 - image-tf-640x360 - image-tf-320x180 - image-tf-452x254 - image-tf-226x127 - css-override _[String]_ CSS to be written in. [<< To Spec 2.0][spec-2.0.md] [spec-2.0.md]: ./spec-2.0.md