This a hacky script to download a bunch of samples from
Useful info:
/* | |
// discarded | |
\fwot <+ "bd r r bd sn r bd sn".pbind(\chan, 8, \dur, 1/4, \amp, 0.8, \stut, [1,[2,4].pshufn(1)].pwrand([0.9,0.1])); | |
\fwot <+ ("0:10|1:011" << "bd cp cp|ch bd".bjorklund([3,5],8)).pbind(\chan, 8, \dur, 1/4, \amp, 0.8); | |
\fwot <+ ("0:1001|1:0012|2:0021" <<< "ch*4 rm rm".bjorklund([3,4,7],8,1)).pbind(\chan, 8, \dur, 1/4, \amp, 0.8); | |
\fwot <+ ("0:1001|1:0012|2:0021" <<< "ch oh").pbind(\chan, 8, \dur, 1/4, \amp, 0.8); | |
*/ | |
// silence | |
\piano >> nil; |
This a hacky script to download a bunch of samples from
Useful info:
#!/usr/bin/env python3 | |
import requests | |
import threading | |
url = "" | |
client = { | |
'id': "abc", | |
'secret': "def" | |
} |
s.boot; | |
( | |
SynthDef(\simple, { |freq=440, pos=0, amp=0.5| | |, pos, amp); | |
}).add | |
; | |
SynthDef(\simple_rev, { |sig, mix=0.5, room=0.5, damp=0.1| | |, mix, room, damp); | |
}).add |
( | |
~percs = | |
"r cl rs|ma r / r ch r r / r r r r / r|rs rs r r / r rs r cp|r / r r r r / r r cl r / r cl r r / r cl rs r|cl / r r r r / r r r r / r r r r / r ma ch r / r|r ch ma rs / r r|ma ch|r rs / r|r ch r|ma rs / r r r r / r cl rs r / r ch r r / r r r r / r|rs rs r r / r rs r cp|r / r r r r / r r cl r / r cl r r / r cl rs r|cl / r r r r / r r r r / r r r r / rs rs rs rs/ rs rs rs rs/ r rs rs r/ rs rs r rs / r rs ch|rs r/ rs ch|rs r|r rs / r rs r rs/ cp rs rs rs / r rs ch ch/ r cp ma ch / r r rs r / r r rs|ch r / r cl rs r / r ch r r / r r r r / r|rs rs r r / r rs r cp|r / r r r r / r r cl r / r cl r r / r cl rs r|cl / r r r r / r r r r / r r r r / rs rs rs rs/ rs rs rs rs " | |
.sometimes{ |evt| evt++"@" } | |
.asRepetitionStream | |
.player( | |
\chan, 9, | |
\sustain, 1, | |
\amp, 0.5, | |
\dur, 1/4, |
Psoftclip : FilterPattern { | |
var <>lo, <>hi; | |
*new { arg pattern,lo,hi; | |
^ | |
} | |
storeArgs { ^[pattern,lo,hi] } | |
embedInStream { arg event; | |
var next; |
Python { | |
classvar py; | |
classvar <py_bin; | |
var py_pipe; | |
*initClass{ | |
py_bin = "which python".unixCmdGetStdOut.replace(, "").asString; | |
} | |
( | |
r =; | |
m = r.initMIDI("LoopBe Internal MIDI", "LoopBe Internal MIDI"); | |
MidiEvents(m); | |
) | |
( | |
var rou = Routine({ | |
loop { | |
var pbd = (tempo: Pseq([1,1,1/2,1,1/2,1].pyramid,inf), type: \md, amp: 0.9, ); |
Additional info to Dan Stowell's fantastic post about building supercollider.
Note: This are the steps I made to build the binaries based on that post.
To make things simple, created a very simple Debian image based on "stable" with the necessary dependencies to properly build the .deb files. See Dockerfile.
TempoClock.default.tempo = 2; | |
( | |; | |; | |
~bus =, numChannels:2); | |
~nowhere =, numChannels:2); | |
~dirt.orbits[0].outBus = ~bus; | |
~dirt.orbits[1].outBus = ~nowhere; | |
Ndef(\x, { |