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philbirnie / Instructions
Last active January 17, 2023 20:40
Steps to Combine Wordpress and Codeigniter when CI is in a subdirectory of Wordpress
1. Add MY_url_helper.php to CI_directory/application/helpers
2. If the CI app is already built, convert any references to *site_url* in your CI application (aside from the system directory) to the new namespaced function, ci_site_url.
This step prevents Wordpress' site_url function from overwriting CIs. Because both functions are global and CI checks to make sure that site_url has not been set. Once we load the WP bootstrap file, it will have been defined, so CI's function wll never load.
3. Add Wordpress' bootstrap file into CI_directory/index.php right above CI's bootstrap file.
4. Update wp-includes/load.php *(this is necessary if you are using CI's sessions - Wordpress mangles CI's cookies using with magic quotes. (There may be an upgrade-proof way to do this.)