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maciz84 / Signupform.vue
Created August 18, 2020 12:48 — forked from andreas-it-dev/Signupform.vue
vuetify made sign up form - inspired by
<v-container id="signinup-form" class="fill-height">
<v-row align="center" justify="center" no-gutters>
<v-col cols="12" sm="8" md="8" class="">
<v-card class="evelation-12 card">
maciz84 / string-utils.js
Created September 15, 2020 09:38 — forked from jonlabelle/string-utils.js
Useful collection of JavaScript string utilities.
// String utils
// resources:
// -- mout,
* "Safer" String.toLowerCase()
function lowerCase(str) {
return str.toLowerCase();