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Mathias Fredriksson mafredri

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# Create display override file to force Mac OS X to use RGB mode for Display
# see
require 'base64'
data=`ioreg -l -d0 -w 0 -r -c AppleDisplay`
sindresorhus /
Last active December 11, 2022 21:26
shell function for publishing node modules with some goodies
# npm publish with goodies
# prerequisite: `npm install -g trash`
# `np` with an optional argument `patch`/`minor`/`major`/`<version>`
# defaults to `patch`
np() {
trash node_modules &>/dev/null;
git pull --rebase &&
npm install &&
npm test &&
npm version ${1:-patch} &&
josephholsten / sizeup.lua
Last active February 24, 2025 11:36
SizeUp in Hammerspoon
-- === sizeup ===
-- SizeUp emulation for hammerspoon
-- To use, you can tweak the key bindings and the margins
local sizeup = { }
-- Bindings --
harlow /
Last active October 30, 2024 13:27
Job queues in Golang
jlongster /
Last active November 7, 2024 13:11
List of immutable libraries

A lot of people mentioned other immutable JS libraries after reading my post. I thought it would be good to make a list of available ones.

There are two types of immutable libraries: simple helpers for copying JavaScript objects, and actual persistent data structure implementations. My post generally analyzed the tradeoffs between both kinds of libraries and everything applies to the below libraries in either category.

Libraries are sorted by github popularity.

Persistent Data Structures w/structural sharing

nf / analyze.go
Last active January 12, 2016 21:14
'spent' script to log where time is spent
package main
import (
MawKKe /
Last active March 15, 2025 09:58
dm-crypt + dm-integrity + dm-raid = awesome!
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Author: Markus (MawKKe) [email protected]
# Date: 2018-03-19
# What?
# Linux dm-crypt + dm-integrity + dm-raid (RAID1)
getify /
Created March 12, 2019 13:19
Building That Better Web

Building That Better Web

In honor of the 30th anniversary of the web, I wanted to share a few thoughts about what a better web could aspire to be, and challenge us to move toward it.

The Worser Web

It's tempting to frame "better" simply in terms of improvement and progress, as in how far the web has come over the last 20+ years. As a developer, I like many others get all too excited about fancy new features like Service Workers, WebRTC, and yes, even CSS Grids. The pace of change is dizzying, but it feels like a great problem to have too many awesome features to learn and use!

So in one practical respect, a better web is one that empowers developers and users alike to express themselves and connect with others more fluently.

Last active February 18, 2025 10:15
Guide: Running Arch on a 2018 MacBook Pro

Hardware Prerequisites

You'll need at least the following hardware:

  • At least 3 USB-A to USB-C converters or hub with enough ports for at least 3 USB devices if all your devices are USB-A then:
  • A USB drive
  • A USB keyboard
  • USB to Ethernet adapter, compatible USB dongle or USB tethering on a phone
joevt /
Last active February 11, 2025 22:34
A set of shell functions used to view and edit EDIDs.
# by joevt May 24/2023
# Modify EDID