Running a local version of DynamoDB inside a Docker container.
$ docker pull amazon/dynamodb-local:latest
$ docker run --publish 8000:8000 amazon/dynamodb-local
# in another terminal
Running a local version of DynamoDB inside a Docker container.
$ docker pull amazon/dynamodb-local:latest
$ docker run --publish 8000:8000 amazon/dynamodb-local
# in another terminal
, writing read file chunks also to a gzip
writer.$ go run main.go
Regular expressions to check if a given GitHub token could be valid.
A host-only network interface is created virtually in software which appears to the host system.
This interface can be attached to one or more VMs, allowing connectivity between those VMs and communication between the host system and VMs.
The Huawei B315 modem supplied by Optus for the (now defunt) Vividwireless service is a workable but sadly rather crippled device, even down to the inability to modify assigned DNS servers from it's DHCP server away from Optus DNS to something sane (Google DNS/Cloudflare/etc.).
This script should allow for the easy update of assigned DNS servers and has been tested with Google Chrome.
).Since November 2018, GitHub have started to display forced push events to pull request page timelines. This bookmarklet will toggle display of these events if they are getting in the way of meaningful commits.
Add the code below as the URL of a new bookmark:
javascript:((d)=>{if(d.getElementById('nuke-fp')==null){let e=d.createElement('style');'nuke-fp';e.innerHTML='.nuke-fp{display:none}';d.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(e)}for(let e of Array.from(d.querySelectorAll('.discussion-timeline .discussion-item-head_ref_force_pushed'))){e.classList.toggle('nuke-fp')}})(document)
Tested with Chrome 70.0.3538.102.
'use strict'; | |
async function* delayList() { | |
function delay(timeout) { | |
return new Promise((resolve,reject) => { | |
setTimeout(() => resolve(`dealyed for: ${timeout}ms`),timeout); | |
}); |
Python function to determine if a given IPv4 CIDR fits into another.
How cidr_fit(cidr_a,cidr_b)
becomes 11000000101010000000000000000001