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Notas Hellout make-github-pseudonymous-again

  • Joined on Sep 24, 2012
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make-github-pseudonymous-again /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:01 — forked from GerHobbelt/.gitignore
D3.js undirected multigraph where you can add nodes, links and delete them

Derived from the D3.js example gist 3616279.


  • undirected multigraph where you can add nodes, links and delete them


= Arch Linux step-by-step installation =
= =
== Boot the installation CD ==
== Create partition ==
cfdisk /dev/sda
* Create a partition with code 8300 (Linux)
make-github-pseudonymous-again /
Created January 1, 2021 16:18 — forked from taxilian/
Mongodb scripts for incremental backup


I can't take credit for much of the work here -- I adapted it from this blog post:

My main contribution was to make it a little easier to use with docker as well as numerous little cleanup tasks. I also made it gzip the oplog backups and added support for SSL connections

Note that I havne't yet tested the point in time restore script; it likely needs work, particularly to make things work with the gzipped oplog files