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Matteo Giordano malteo

Working from home
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malteo / gist:623753
Created October 13, 2010 09:42
Allowing Users To Invoke Methods Before A Component Is Rendered in ExtJS
* Allowing Users To Invoke Methods Before A Component Is Rendered
* @see
someMethod: function() {
if (!this.rendered) {
this.on('render', this.someMethod, this, {single: true});
malteo / gist:1264387
Created October 5, 2011 13:12
How to use Monolog in any PHP file
spl_autoload_register(function ($class) {
$file = $__DIR__.'/relative/path/to/Monolog/src/'.strtr($class, '\\', '/').'.php';
if (file_exists($file)) {
require $file;
return true;
malteo / sfWidgetFormSchemaFormatterBootstrap.class.php
Created November 11, 2011 09:21
Symfony form formatter to use with Twitter Bootstrap CSS
* A FormSchemaFormatter to use with Twitter Bootstrap CSS.
* @author malteo
class sfWidgetFormSchemaFormatterBootstrap extends sfWidgetFormSchemaFormatter
malteo / LocalStorageProvider.js
Created December 12, 2011 17:04
localStorage state provider for ExtJS 3
* @class Ext.ux.state.LocalStorageProvider
* @extends Ext.state.Provider
* A Provider implementation which saves and retrieves state via the HTML5 localStorage object.
* If the browser does not support local storage, an exception will be thrown upon instantiating
* this class.
* <br />Usage:
from fabric.api import cd, env, local, prefix, run, sudo
env.hosts = ['cs01.actalis.vpn']
env.project_root = '/home/libersoft/visalaid'
env.user = 'libersoft'
def push():
local('git push')
while read -r line
echo "$line$(pwgen -s 16 1)"
done < $1 >temp
mv temp $1
malteo / gist:5310697
Created April 4, 2013 14:14
anche PHP ha i suoi momenti
$app->get('/admin/print/{course_id}/{generated}', function ($course_id, $generated) use ($app) {
$query = $app['idiorm']->getTable('keys')
->where('course_id', $course_id)
->where('generated', $generated);
$stream = function () use ($query) {
$out = fopen('php://output', 'w');
foreach ($query->find_array() as $key) {
fputcsv($out, $key);
malteo / uptime.conf
Created April 10, 2013 14:06
Upstart script
# /etc/init/uptime.conf
description "uptime"
author "malte"
start on runlevel [2345]
stop on runlevel [^2345]
# Restart when job dies
* This is what happens when you don't catch a case in your switches, Larry.
class ShouldntHappenException extends \RuntimeException
malteo / index.html
Last active December 29, 2015 23:59
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