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Mario mariorodriguespt

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<a class="navbar-brand" href="/">QuizAero Admin Dashboard</a>
I20150103-17:12:52.510(0)? document: { _index: 'meteor',
I20150103-17:12:52.511(0)? _type: 'packages',
I20150103-17:12:52.511(0)? _id: 'benstr:page.js',
I20150103-17:12:52.511(0)? _score: 0,
I20150103-17:12:52.511(0)? _source:
I20150103-17:12:52.511(0)? { packageName: 'benstr:page.js',
I20150103-17:12:52.511(0)? lastUpdated: '2014-11-02T04:44:08.940Z',
I20150103-17:12:52.512(0)? description: 'Tiny ~1200 byte Express-inspired client-side router',
I20150103-17:12:52.512(0)? git: '',
I20150103-17:12:52.512(0)? version: '1.4.0',
Accounts.onCreateUser(function(options, user){
if( user.emails ){
_.each( user.emails , function( emailObject ){
emailObject.address = emailObject.address.toLowerCase();
return user;
//atmosphere packages: jparker:crypto-aes , matb33:collection-hooks
var encryptionKey = "adsffe534tryertrrtweGe";
//Before insert Hooks, I decide to use it only in the server. If you use on the client and server, you're encrypting it twice.
Todos.before.insert( function( userId , doc ){
doc.text = CryptoJS.AES.encrypt( doc.text , encryptionKey ).toString();
} );
mariorodriguespt / gist:0219770f53075184016d
Created March 25, 2015 07:46 Database Error
Exception in queued task: MongoError: connection to [] timed out
at Object.Future.wait (/mnt/data/1/node_modules/fibers/future.js:326:15)
at [object Object]._.extend._nextObject (packages/mongo/mongo_driver.js:885:1)
at [object Object]._.extend.forEach (packages/mongo/mongo_driver.js:919:1)
at [object Object]._.extend.getRawObjects (packages/mongo/mongo_driver.js:968:1)
at [object Object]._.extend._pollMongo (packages/mongo/polling_observe_driver.js:144:1)
at [object Object].proto._pollMongo (packages/meteorhacks:kadira/lib/hijack/wrap_observers.js:23:1)
at Object.task (packages/mongo/polling_observe_driver.js:85:1)
at [object Object]._.extend._run (packages/meteor/fiber_helpers.js:145:1)
at packages/meteor/fiber_helpers.js:123:1
var funcs : [()->Int] = []
for i in 0...3{
return i
for i in 0...3{
[[[[[ ~/playground/meteor/rawCollection ]]]]]
=> Started proxy.
=> Started MongoDB.
=> Started your app.
=> App running at: http://localhost:3000/
=> Exited with code: 8
W20150522-01:45:48.227(1)? (STDERR)
W20150522-01:45:48.228(1)? (STDERR) /Users/mariorodrigues/.meteor/packages/mongo/.
var toysCollection = Mongo.Collection.get('MeteorToysCredentials');
if( toysCollection.find().count() === 0 ) {
email : '[email protected]',
password :'password'
Router.route('/messages', {
layoutTemplate : "app",
template : "messages"
name: 'my-messages’,