import * as client from "astro:env/client"; import type ServerEnv from "astro:env/server"; /** * If we're in SSR, use the real server env. * Otherwise, a proxy that throws if you try to access it. */ const server = import.meta.env.SSR ? await import("astro:env/server") : (new Proxy( {}, { get(_target, prop) { throw new Error( `🚨🚨🚨 Accessing SERVER variables in client components is not permitted! Attempted to access: '${String(prop)}'.`, ); }, }, ) as typeof ServerEnv); /** * Access validated environment variables. * * Contains both client and server variables, but will not load the server * values when rendering on the client. * * If server variables are accidentally accessed on the client, it will throw. * * @example * env.server.API_SECRET_KEY * env.client.API_URL */ export const env = { /** Client-only environment variables. */ client, /** Server-only env variables. Will throw if accessed on the client. */ server, /** * Vite/Astro's `import.meta.env`. (subset when running on the client) * @see */ meta: import.meta.env, } as const;