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Martina Pugliese martinapugliese

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martinapugliese /
Last active June 30, 2024 10:00
Some wrapper methods to deal with DynamoDB databases in Python, using boto3.
# Copyright (C) 2016 Martina Pugliese
from boto3 import resource
from boto3.dynamodb.conditions import Key
# The boto3 dynamoDB resource
dynamodb_resource = resource('dynamodb')
def get_table_metadata(table_name):
martinapugliese /
Last active August 14, 2023 08:08
Sample Elasticsearch queries in Python, as reference.

Collection of sample Elasticsearch queries

Use the Python client elasticsearch.

Connect to cluster (the client)

from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch

es_client = Elasticsearch() # local
martinapugliese /
Created August 7, 2016 20:56
A class for styled printing (coloured/styled text, time of execution available), attributes combinable.
# Copyright (C) 2016 Martina Pugliese
# Imports
from datetime import datetime
# #################### ANSI Escape codes for terminal #########################
codes_dict = {
martinapugliese /
Last active August 17, 2016 20:53
Plotting the frequencies in a FreqDist in NLTK instead of the counts.
# Copyright (C) 2016 Martina Pugliese
def plot_freqdist_freq(fd,
title='Frequency plot',
As of NLTK version 3.2.1, FreqDist.plot() plots the counts and has no kwarg for normalising to frequency. Work this around here.
martinapugliese /
Created August 12, 2016 11:59
Collection of examples of Python built-in methods for manipulating strings
# Copyright (C) 2016 Martina Pugliese
def run_methods():
print '\n'
print '* Count occurrences of substring in string'
print 'Martina'.count('art')
print 'Martina'.count('a')

Pandas reference things

df is a DataFrame.

Grouping df on multiple functions and dropping hierarchical level

grouped_df = df.groupby(['colA', 'colB']) \

A collection of useful command line hacks (Unix)

Memory usage


vm_stat is the command, this makes output user friendly, thanks to this.

vm_stat | perl -ne '/page size of (\d+)/ and $size=$1; /Pages\s+([^:]+)[^\d]+(\d+)/ and printf("%-16s % 16.2f Mi\n", "$1:", $2 * $size / 1048576);'

Pyplot reference stuff

Those things that I always forget how to do.

import pyplot as plt

Matplotlib styles