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Masatake YAMATO masatake

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bnoordhuis /
Last active February 12, 2025 13:42
Setting up User Mode Linux on Fedora 20

user mode linux: build and run

Generate default .config.

$ make defconfig ARCH=um SUBARCH=x86_64

Build the linux ELF binary.

$ make -j8 linux ARCH=um SUBARCH=x86_64
nega0 /
Last active June 3, 2022 02:55
a simple "syslog" lexer for pygments
## a simple "syslog" lexer for pygmentize
from pygments.lexer import RegexLexer, bygroups
from pygments.token import *
__all__ = ['SyslogLexer']
class SyslogLexer(RegexLexer):
name = 'Syslog'
aliases = ["syslog"]
h14i / dscanner
Last active December 16, 2015 01:45
Dscanner driver for universal-ctags
# ~/.ctags.d/drivers
() {
if ! type dscanner; then
} > /dev/null 2>&1

Huge Page まとめ

この文書では、Linux カーネルの機能を中心に、 huge page に関連するメモ リ管理の機能についてまとめる。概観とキーワードの把握、およびリファレン スの提供を目的である。特に non-trasparent な huge page と transparent huge page の違いとそれらの境界を把握することをひとつの主眼としている。 そのため、詳細さと網羅性はスコープ外である。


mono0926 /
Last active February 11, 2025 06:39
[転載] gitにおけるコミットログ/メッセージ例文集100
libinvarghese / .gitconfig
Last active November 2, 2021 13:14
Search in all Stash for a pattern
# Search in all Stash for a pattern
# Install: Copy the below into the .gitconfig file
# simple call
# git stash-search pattern_to_search
stash-search = "!f() { git show $(git stash list | cut -d\":\" -f 1) | grep \"$@\" ; }; f"
# MIT License
DArcMattr / .ctags
Last active September 14, 2019 18:24
Universal Ctags configuration for WordPress action & filter hooks. Adapted from work done by @dsawardekar
I am a developer of @universal-ctags.
I would like to incorporate your <LANG> parser to universal-ctags.
universal-ctag is distributed under term of
GNU General Public License version 2 or (at your option) any later version.
If you allow me to incorporate your parser into universal-ctags, could you add
I would like you to add following copyright notice at the head of your .ctags:
retorillo /
Created February 28, 2018 09:55



ctagsコマンドで%INCLUDE%フォルダ上のヘッダーの定義情報をファイル(デフォルト名 tags)に格納しVimなどからリファレンスとして活用できるようにします。


  • Visual Studio 2017 CommunityなどでC++開発環境がインストールされていること
  • Universal CTAGSctagsおよびreadtagsコマンドのPATHが通ってること
bureado /
Created June 21, 2018 00:04
Post-modern Linux packaging: additional reading

Post-modern Linux packaging: additional reading


This document compiles 2018 coverage around post-modern packaging technologies for Linux, including packaging formats like Snaps and Flatpaks, systems like Nix and Guix and full distros such as Atomic or Clear Linux.

This curation and commentary are current as of 18 June 2018. The curation was prepared by José Miguel Parrella (@bureado) as part of his session at Open Source Summit Japan: Package Management and Distribution in a Cloud World.

We compile these resources in an effort to provide individual developers and organizations with current coverage on the state-of-the-art and motivations of the current post-modern packaging landscape with the intention to increase readiness in experimenting with, evaluating and potentially adopting said technologies.