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<- This is a raccoon, yes

masterdesky masterdesky

<- This is a raccoon, yes
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masterdesky / .zshrc
Last active March 21, 2021 15:27
Source enviromental config of Geant4 from Z shell
# Geant4 doesn't support zsh/ksh/etc. non-bash shells to source
# its enviromental configuration script in the "normal" bash-like way.
# Instead we have to change to Geant4's bin diretory and source the
# appropriate `` script from there.
# Suppose we installed Geant4 under the `${GEANT4_INSTALL}` directory
if [ -f ${GEANT4_INSTALL}/bin/ ];
cd ${GEANT4_INSTALL}/bin
masterdesky / github.bat
Last active October 13, 2021 17:31
CD to GitHub directory or create one if it isn't exists on Windows
@echo off
set /p github-dir=%GITHUB_DIR_LOCATION%
if not exist %github-dir% (
echo "GitHub folder is missing! Creating..."
mkdir "%github-dir%" 2>nul
cd "%github-dir%"
echo "Changed to GitHub directory"