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Mathias Bynens mathiasbynens

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mnot /
Last active March 3, 2022 14:32 Validation regex for URIs, URI references, and relative URIs
#!/usr/bin/env python
Regex for URIs
These regex are directly derived from the collected ABNF in RFC3986
(except for DIGIT, ALPHA and HEXDIG, defined by RFC2234).
Additional regex are defined to validate the following schemes according to
their respective specifications:
endolith / Has weird right-to-left characters.txt
Last active March 5, 2025 17:59
Unicode kaomoji smileys emoticons emoji
gf3 / gist:166083
Created August 11, 2009 20:09
Truncate a string to the closest word
// Truncate a string to the closest word
String.prototype.truncateToWord = function( length ) {
return this
.slice( 0, length + 1 )
.split( /\s+/ )
.slice( 0, -1 )
.join( " " )
// Examples
eligrey /
Created September 13, 2009 19:51
High-resolution JavaScript timer
gruber / Liberal Regex Pattern for All URLs
Last active February 21, 2025 04:19
Liberal, Accurate Regex Pattern for Matching All URLs
The regex patterns in this gist are intended to match any URLs,
including "mailto:[email protected]", "x-whatever://foo", etc. For a
pattern that attempts only to match web URLs (http, https), see:
# Single-line version of pattern:
NV /
Created January 22, 2010 08:29 — forked from ucnv/

This script is also available at .

remy / gist:330318
Created March 12, 2010 13:59
autofocus and placeholder support
* Add this script to the end of your document that use <input autofocus type="text" />
* or <input type="text" placeholder="username" /> and it'll plug support for browser
* without these attributes
* Minified version at the bottom
(function () {
function each(list, fn) {
var l = list.length;
remy / gist:360113
Created April 8, 2010 14:24
setInterval run once, then keep running
setInterval((function () {
console.log(new Date()); // run some arbitrary code
return arguments.callee; // here be the magic
})(), 1000);
// ^---- and that runs the function, and the return val is assign to the interval
cowboy / gist:360138
Created April 8, 2010 14:46 — forked from remy/gist:360113
setInterval and setTimeout patterns
// =========================
// SetInterval
// =========================
// While not truly accurate, setInterval is still fairly good, time-wise.
// Better for things like a "one second tick" but not great for expensive
// code executed at small intervals as iterations can "stack".
// (ECMAScript 5 strict mode compatible)
paulirish / gist:366184
Created April 14, 2010 18:59
html5 geolocation with fallback.
// geo-location shim
// currentely only serves lat/long
// depends on jQuery
// doublecheck the ClientLocation results because it may returning null results
if (geolocation) return;