Goal: To take this: https://graph.facebook.com/105464892820215 And derive this: America/Los Angeles From which we can then derive UTC-0800 or UTC-0700, as appropriate under the daylight madness scheme in effect on the date of interest.
It seems oddly hard to figure out what timezone a given point in space is located in. Looking around, there are only a few APIs which provide this information (http://www.earthtools.org/webservices.htm#timezone and http://www.worldweatheronline.com/time-zone-api.aspx), and only a few datasets which seem to contain it; most of them are in serious GIS formats, and expect you to query them in some manual fashion using a proprietary GIS tool.
I'm not really interested in that; I want a piece of code I can just ask "what timezone is this in" and get an answer, without installing some huge piece of software I don't have a license to or worrying about rate limits from somebody's API. So I'm going to take a shapefile I found here (http://efele.net/maps/tz/world/) and see if we can