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Matt Trask matthewtrask

Working from home
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Tournament Bracket Generator</title>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
$(document).on('ready', function() {
var knownBrackets = [2,4,8,16,32], // brackets with "perfect" proportions (full fields, no byes)
matthewtrask / Are you Ready to Hire an Engineer?.md
Last active September 18, 2015 15:49 — forked from craychee/Are you Ready to Hire an Engineer?.md
A plain English checklist to help non-technical people decide if the business is ready to engage the services of an engineer or a consulting firm. This checklist was made to accompany the following blog post:

Are you Ready to Hire an Engineer?

A plain English checklist

This checklist is intended to help non-technical people decide if the business is ready to engage the services of an engineer or a consulting firm. It is the goal of this checklist to give non-technical folks a leg up in these conversations so that they are less likely to get into lengthy (and very expensive) engagements.

###Content Content pertains to information that you already provide customers or plan to make available to anyone who comes to your site.

matthewtrask / gist:b141ae21555afea44177
Created February 18, 2016 13:16
My bash aliases for my macbook.
-='cd -'
1='cd -'
2='cd -2'
3='cd -3'
4='cd -4'
5='cd -5'
"name": "php-twilio-client",
"version": "0.0.1",
"authors": [
"name": "Matt Trask",
"email": "[email protected]"
"require": {
$dst = simplexml_load_file( '35928_3210820_mp.xml' );
$dst = dom_import_simplexml( $dst )->ownerDocument;
$parent = $dst->getElementsByTagName( 'merchandiser' )->item(0);
$src = simplexml_load_file( '39153_3210820_mp.xml' );
foreach( $src->product as $product )
namespace App\Http\Controllers\Obct;
use App\Classes;
use Illuminate\Pagination\Paginator;
use App\CurrentShow;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
class ClassesController extends Controller
# Understanding Design Patterns with PHP
The MVC Pattern has long been a standard in PHP Development. But is it the best for everything? In this talk,
we will explore various types of design patterns, touching on a creational pattern such as the Factory method,
a behavioral pattern like the Strategy pattern and finally a structural pattern with an example from the
Decorator Pattern. I hope that by showing these patterns, it will give developers something new to think about
and open the possibilities of new applications being created in different ways.
Verifying myself: I am matthewtrask on jPN6vUJIkaPZyVN-Oy615RUMIGdkiF4Vx0Hi /
* Todo List
* Url Shortener
* Weather App
* Stock Market Quote Watcher
* Movie Ranker with IMDb API
* Twitter Clone
* Employee Login System with Permissions