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Maulik Vora maulikvora

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maulikvora / ethereum-tx-decoder-for-older-nodejs.js
Created May 29, 2018 12:26
Ethereum Tx decoder for older Nodejs version like 0.10x or 0.12x
'use strict'
var rlp = require('rlp'); // {decode, toBuffer, isHexPrefixed, stripHexPrefix, padToEven, intToBuffer, safeParseInt, bufferToHex}
var stripHexPrefix = require('strip-hex-prefix');
var field_sets = {
params: ["nonce","gasPrice","gasLimit","to","value","data"];
function format_fields(fields, rawData, to_hex) {
maulikvora / ascii-table
Created October 3, 2014 07:30
Print an associative array as an ASCII table and also apply different colors to each column in the table
$initial_array = array(
'Name' => 'Trixie',
'Color' => 'Green',
'Element' => 'Earth',
'Likes' => 'Flowers'