Title: PostGIS 2.0 Cheatsheet CSS : css/cheaters.css
Permalink to PostGIS 2.0 Cheatsheet
PostgreSQL PostGIS Geometry/Geography/Box Types |
-- Snap the points to their closest lines, found in the subquery below | |
point_id, | |
line_id, | |
ST_Line_Locate_Point(line_geom, point_geom)) AS snapped_points --Create the snapped points | |
FROM | |
--Subquery to find the closest line to each point (within a pre-defined raidus) | |
( |
array_to_string(array( | |
x_min($geometry), | |
y_min($geometry), | |
x_max($geometry), | |
y_max($geometry) | |
)) |
DELETE FROM schema_name.table_name a | |
USING schema_name.table_name b | |
WHERE a.id > b.id | |
AND ST_Equals(a.geom, b.geom) | |
AND ST_DWithin(a.geom, b.geom, 0); |
Title: PostGIS 2.0 Cheatsheet CSS : css/cheaters.css
Permalink to PostGIS 2.0 Cheatsheet
PostgreSQL PostGIS Geometry/Geography/Box Types |
a.id, | |
-- Note that on line 13 the results are grouped by a.id so if you want to return the geometry from table_a, | |
-- here you can use the function ANY_VALUE(a.geom) (as you cannot group by geometry in BigQuery) | |
ARRAY_AGG(b.id ORDER BY ST_Distance(a.geog, b.geog) LIMIT 1) [ORDINAL(1)] AS neighbor_id | |
-- Here we return the id of the closest geometry from table_b to each geometry in table_a. | |
-- If you want to include more fields from table_b here you can use STRUCT(b.id, b.second_field, b.third_field) etc. | |
FROM | |
table_a a | |
#https://pcjericks.github.io/py-gdalogr-cookbook/raster_layers.html#calculate-zonal-statistics | |
#https://github.com/ECCC-MSC/msc-pygeoapi/blob/master/msc_pygeoapi/process/weather/extract_raster.py | |
import logging | |
import gdal, ogr, osr, numpy | |
from pygeoapi.process.base import BaseProcessor, ProcessorExecuteError | |
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) |
Magic words:
psql -U postgres
Some interesting flags (to see all, use -h
or --help
depending on your psql version):
: will describe the underlaying queries of the \
commands (cool for learning!)-l
: psql will list all databases and then exit (useful if the user you connect with doesn't has a default database, like at AWS RDS)CSW (Catalogue Service for the Web) is an `OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium)`_ specification that defines common interfaces to discover, browse, and query metadata about data, services, and other potential resources.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> | |
<StyledLayerDescriptor version="1.0.0" | |
xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/sld" | |
xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" | |
xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.opengis.net/sld http://schemas.opengis.net/sld/1.0.0/StyledLayerDescriptor.xsd"> | |
<!-- | |
SLD spec documentation: http://portal.opengeospatial.org/files/?artifact_id=22364 | |
Howto SLD user guide: http://wiki.deegree.org/deegreeWiki/HowToUseWMSGetMapRequestsWithSLD | |
--> |