Step One: Watch Writing Testable JavaScript - Rebecca Murphey from Full Frontal 2012 (award for worst conference name ever?)
Step Two: Fork this gist.
Step Three: Respond to this question in your fork: Consider the four responsibilities that Rebecca lists for client side code (hint: they're color coded). Respond below with your thoughts. Did any of the responsibilities that she lists surprise you? Do you feel like you mentally split your client side code in IdeaBox and other past projects into these responsibilities?
I had a few good takeaways from this, but it really wasn't that easy for me to separate what she was talking about into the four responsibilities. I don't feel like my IdeaBox in any way split this up, and I'd love to try refactoring it as a practice exercise. I think in Rails apps I had gotten to the point of splitting things up nicely in the models, views, and controllers, and this talk made some points that I could connect to that