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mccabe615 /
Created February 2, 2019 21:53 — forked from kevin-smets/
iTerm2 + Oh My Zsh + Solarized color scheme + Meslo powerline font + [Powerlevel9k] - (macOS)





mccabe615 /
Last active December 11, 2018 14:47 — forked from benjamincharity/autonomous.txt
Instructions on how to reset the autonomous desk. This fixes a problem where the desk will not lower.

Reset Steps:

  • Unplug the desk for 20 seconds. Plug it back in. Wait a full 20 seconds.
  • Press the up and down buttons until the desk lowers all the way and beeps or 20 seconds pass.
  • Release both buttons.
  • Press the down buttons until the desk beeps one more time or 20 seconds pass.
package jwtex
import (
mccabe615 /
Last active June 5, 2022 05:42
iOS hacking steps

list signing keys

security find-identity -v -p codesigning

patch IPA

objection patchipa --source "outlook.ipa" --codesign-signature 7836F9FC5FD55E48326EA8A1854D030551F413A8



mccabe615 / nmap
Created November 4, 2018 02:17
nmap discovery

nmap -sV -vv -Pn -oN outputfile.txt

mccabe615 /
Created September 15, 2018 15:52
Required ports for Burp enterprise

Users and API clients need to access the web server on a port that you can select (by default, 8080). The Enterprise server needs to access on port 443, to carry out license activation and software updates. Note that this access is needed for ongoing usage of the software, not only during initial installation. You can configure a network proxy if this is needed to reach the public web. If you install agents on any external machines, these need to access the Enterprise server machine on port 8072. If you use the bundled database, then any external agent machines will need to access the Enterprise server machine on port 9092. If you use an external database, then the Enterprise server and any external agents will need to access the database service on the configured host and port. Agents will need to access the sites that are to be scanned (on ports 80, 443, etc. as required). To gain the full benefit of Burp Suite’s out-of-band vulnerability detection technology, agents will need to access burp

mccabe615 /
Last active December 7, 2022 23:45
Firefox settings for testing

In about:config in Firefox, all of the below should be set to false

  • network.captive-portal-service.enabled
  • extensions.getAddons.cache.enabled
  • network.prefetch-next
  • browser.newtabpage.enabled
  • toolkit.telemetry.archive.enabled = false
  • toolkit.telemetry.enabled = false
  • toolkit.telemetry.rejected = true
mccabe615 /
Last active March 10, 2025 08:05
Dangerous PHP Functions

Command Execution

exec           - Returns last line of commands output
passthru       - Passes commands output directly to the browser
system         - Passes commands output directly to the browser and returns last line
shell_exec     - Returns commands output
\`\` (backticks) - Same as shell_exec()
popen          - Opens read or write pipe to process of a command
proc_open      - Similar to popen() but greater degree of control
pcntl_exec - Executes a program
mccabe615 / jwt.rb
Created October 25, 2017 14:52
Ruby JWT decoder
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'jwt'
require 'base64'
require 'openssl'
payload = {:data => 'test'}
pem ="")
mccabe615 / base64er.rb
Last active October 10, 2017 21:16
Base64 decode recursively in Ruby
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require "Base64"
$pass = 1
def base64er(string)
# puts "Decoding: #{string}"
str = Base64.decode64(string)