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Harry McIntyre mcintyre321

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mcintyre321 / Comment.cs
Last active January 8, 2019 10:03
Siren from IQueryable
namespace _10PrintHello.Apps.Things.SirenTables
public class Comment
public int postId { get; set; }
public int id { get; set; }
mcintyre321 / gist:5bb6291dfe41054b7393394c46a792ff
Last active April 11, 2018 15:54
ways to improve your c# code
  • use nsdepcop instead of project dependencies for layering so you can keep things in the same project
  • generic action result in controllers instead of base type
  • explicitly register your controllers rather than letting Controller Activator use them
  • ditch your IOC container entirely
  • use ValueOf for ids instead of ints
  • hard code all non-secret config values each environment in your source code (using code, not json) and choose the right one based off a single 'env' variable
  • use OneOf instead of custom Result objects/ Exceptions for control flow
  • partition by feature vertical, not layer
  • use delegates for your ports/adapters
  • isolate your domain and use composition root
mcintyre321 / tryjsil.cs
Created December 13, 2016 11:44
using System;
using JSIL;
using JSIL.Meta;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
public static class Program {
public static void Main () {
Dictionary<string, string[]> data = new Dictionary<string, string[]>(){
background-color: aliceblue;
background-color: f5fff0
mcintyre321 / Linqpad script.cs
Last active May 18, 2016 14:58
Simple Event Sourcing using NMF
void Main()
var events = new ObservableCollection<Event>();
var state = new NotifyCollection<object>();
events.OnAdd(next =>
if (next is UserWasAdded)
mcintyre321 / gist:ff67ffa8e2f0c8ef86da
Created August 6, 2015 15:50
RazorHostFactory for debugging embedded resources
public class MyCustomRazorHostFactory : WebRazorHostFactory
public override System.Web.WebPages.Razor.WebPageRazorHost CreateHost(string virtualPath, string physicalPath)
// Implementation stolen from MvcRazorHostFactory :)
var host = base.CreateHost(virtualPath, physicalPath);
if (!host.IsSpecialPage)
return new MyCustomRazorHost(virtualPath, physicalPath);
mcintyre321 / gist:1b9d8060acb39a4f39f0
Created June 24, 2015 09:21
JsonProperty for Entity Framework
public class JsonProperty<T> where T : class
public string Json { get; private set; }
protected JsonProperty()
this.SerializerSettings = new PolymorphicJsonSerializerSettings();
(function() {
var __hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;
(function(factory) {
if (typeof require === 'function' && typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object') {
return factory(require('knockout'), exports);
} else if (typeof define === 'function' && define['amd']) {
return define(['knockout', 'exports'], factory);
} else {
return factory(ko, ko.konva = {});
var observify = function (obs, top) {
if (!top && !ko.isObservable(obs)) {
var object = ko.unwrap(obs);
if ( === "[object Array]") {
for (var i = 0; i < object.length; i++) {
var v = object[i];
if (!ko.isObservable(v)) {
if ( === "[object Array]") {
mcintyre321 / gist:08b086153f17471b08ba
Last active September 24, 2020 15:03
Testing glossary

Test scopes

  • Unit test - an isolated test around a single 'unit' of code, although that can be anything from a method to a class to a series of (related) classes.
  • Component test - same as a unit test
  • Isolated test - a test that doesn't do any I/O, i.e. the Ports have been filled with in-memory Adapters
  • Integration test - a test that interacts with deployed instances of the code and related services, possiby with some Test Doubles (mocked/faked/stubbed etc).
  • End to End test - a test that entirely interacts with deployed instances using public interfaces
  • Test-per-class - a convention that there should be one unit test for each class

Uses of tests