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melMass / voices.txt
Created November 1, 2015 16:57 — forked from ttscoff/voices.txt
Voices available to say command on OS X 10.10.3
# Voices available to `say` on OS X
# "*" indicates new additions since 10.8
Agnes (en_US)
Albert (en_US)
Alex (en_US)
*Alice (it_IT)
*Alva (sv_SE)
*Amelie (fr_CA)
*Anna (de_DE)
melMass /
Last active November 1, 2015 23:25 — forked from todgru/


  • du -sh {directory} list display size of directory in human readable format.
  • du -sh * show size of each directory in the current path
  • df disk space usage
$ du -sh *
 11M Applications
melMass /
Last active May 5, 2016 08:37 — forked from JosefJezek/
Markdown Cheat Sheet



Headings from h1 through h6 are constructed with a # for each level:

# h1 Heading
## h2 Heading
### h3 Heading


Sélectionner lesimages d'une largeur de 300 pixels :


Sélectionner les deux premiers titres <h3> d'une page :

for act in hiero.ui.registeredActions():
print act.text(), act.objectName()
Edit Playhead Time foundry.viewer.editPlayheadTime
New Project... foundry.application.newProject
Open Project... foundry.application.openProject
Open Recent Project
Close Project foundry.project.close

Edit Playhead Time :foundry.viewer.editPlayheadTime

New Project... :foundry.application.newProject

Open Project... :foundry.application.openProject

Open Recent Project

Close Project :foundry.project.close

melMass /
Created May 1, 2016 01:57 — forked from tokejepsen/
Nuke: Batch Edit Tool
import os
import difflib
import nuke
import nukescripts
class KnobsPanel(nukescripts.PythonPanel):
def __init__(self, knobs):
nukescripts.PythonPanel.__init__(self, 'KnobsPanel')
melMass /
Created October 5, 2016 00:39 — forked from dbr/
IRIDAS .look to .csp LUT
"""From the seemingly undocumented IRIDAS .look format to .csp
import re
import os
import sys
import struct
import binascii
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
melMass /
Created October 11, 2016 00:17 — forked from aerickson/
Get total rsync progress using Python
# from
import subprocess
import re
import sys
print('Dry run:')
cmd = 'rsync -az --stats --dry-run ' + sys.argv[1] + ' ' + sys.argv[2]
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd,