See for an up-to-date version.
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
" | |
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
function! VimAwesomeComplete() abort | |
let prefix = matchstr(strpart(getline('.'), 0, col('.') - 1), '[.a-zA-Z0-9_/-]*$') | |
echohl WarningMsg | |
echo 'Downloading plugin list from VimAwesome' | |
echohl None | |
ruby << EOF | |
require 'json' |
We'll start with the assumption that your cwd in vim is set to the directory of a clojure file perhaps via autochdir.
Now with some vimscript we'll start a terminal buffer, set the proper syntax coloring, turn on rainbow parens and only then run lein repl. Note it doesn't work if these aren't done before lein repl.
function! NvimRepl()
Vim has many plugins (vim-go, ale, etc.) that use the quickfix/location list | |
feature. Some of these plugins process the output of an external command and | |
update the quickfix list asynchronously as the output becomes available. | |
Updating a quickfix or location list asynchronously opens up the possibility | |
that two or more plugins may try to update the same quickfix list with | |
different output. Also when a plugin is updating a quickfix list in the | |
background, the user may issue a command that creates or updates a quickfix | |
list. The plugin may then incorrectly use this new list to add the entries. |
This repo is my experiment in deploying a basic Phoenix app using the
feature from elixir 1.9 (
and docker, via a multi-stage Dockerfile (
leveraging bitwalker's docker images for Elixir and Phoenix.
The simplest way to manage Elixir versions is to use asdf