Eclipse shortcuts

+ Format code 
* **Ctrl+Shift+F** to invoke the Auto Formatter
* **Ctrl+I** to indent the selected part (or all) of you code.

+ Refractor
* **Alt+Shift+R** to refractor code or files
* **F2** to refractor a file

+ Navigate 
* **Ctrl+Shift+P** to jump to closing brace

+ Samples code template

**In Window -> Preferences -> PHP -> Editor -> Templates add a new code tpl :** 

**Write in file**

          $$fp = fopen(CHEMIN_APPLI."/"."${function_container}.txt", 'a+');
          fputs($$fp, print_r(${variable}${cursor}, true)."\n");

**Echo formated var**

          echo("<pre>"); print_r(${});
* Shortcut : **"bebug" + Ctrl+Space**