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davidbgk /
Created October 28, 2010 10:30
Easily add an empty choice to a Django ChoiceField
from django import forms
class EmptyChoiceField(forms.ChoiceField):
def __init__(self, choices=(), empty_label=None, required=True, widget=None, label=None,
initial=None, help_text=None, *args, **kwargs):
# prepend an empty label if it exists (and field is not required!)
if not required and empty_label is not None:
choices = tuple([(u'', empty_label)] + list(choices))
dnagir / rspec-syntax-cheat-sheet.rb
Created November 5, 2010 09:29
RSpec 2 syntax cheat sheet by example
# RSpec 2.0 syntax Cheet Sheet by
# defining spec within a module will automatically pick Player::MovieList as a 'subject' (see below)
module Player
describe MovieList, "with optional description" do
it "is pending example, so that you can write ones quickly"
it "is already working example that we want to suspend from failing temporarily" do
pending("working on another feature that temporarily breaks this one")
cjohansen / gist:739589
Created December 13, 2010 20:55
Showing how to fake server requests with Sinon.JS and Jasmine
Load Sinon.JS in the SpecRunner:
<script type="text/javascript" src="lib/jasmine-1.0.1/jasmine.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="lib/jasmine-1.0.1/jasmine-html.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="sinon-1.0.0.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="sinon-ie-1.0.0.js"></script>
Ptico / shoulda_am.rb
Created September 22, 2011 12:41
Shoulda activemodel matchers cheatsheet
# Shoulda activemodel cheatsheet
# DB
should have_db_column(:title).of_type(:string).with_options(default: 'Untitled', null: false)
should have_db_index(:email).unique(:true)
# Associations
should belong_to :company
should have_one(:profile).dependent(:destroy)
should have_many(:posts).dependent(:nullify)
var self = Ti.UI.createWindow(args);
// Grab instance of class.
var egc = new (require('egc'))(self);
// Add events through the wrapper.
egc.addEvent('someEvent', function (){});
egc.addEvent('anotherEvent', function (){});
egc.addEvent('tresEvent', function (args){});
mourner / TileLayer.Common.js
Created February 11, 2012 23:11
Leaflet shortcuts for common tile providers
// Lefalet shortcuts for common tile providers - is it worth adding such 1.5kb to Leaflet core?
L.TileLayer.Common = L.TileLayer.extend({
initialize: function (options) {, this.url, options);
(function () {
jfirebaugh /
Created April 25, 2012 18:19
Auto-restoring sinon fakes with Konacha
# require spec_helper
Test =
fn: -> 'result'
it 'auto-resets sinon fakes', ->
@stub(Test, 'fn')
hollance /
Last active September 25, 2017 03:35
Communicate between objects using channels

Communicate between objects using channels

When you have two objects A and B, say two view controllers, that you want to have talk to each other, you can choose from the following options:

  • NSNotificationCenter. This is anonymous one-to-many communication. Object A posts a notification to the NSNotificationCenter, which then distributes it to any other objects listening for that notification, including Object B. A and B do not have to know anything about each other, so this is a very loose coupling. Maybe a little too loose...

  • KVO (Key-Value Observing). One object observes the properties of another. This is a very tight coupling, because Object B is now peeking directly into Object A. The advantage of KVO is that Object A doesn't have to be aware of this at all, and therefore does not need to send out any notifications -- the KVO mechanism takes care of this behind the scenes.

  • Direct pointers. Object A has a pointer to Object B and directly sends it messages when something of interest h

tmcw /
Last active December 6, 2022 14:04
Accompaniment to dcjq

This is a more wordy, narrative accompaniment to my pretty bare presentation about d3 that I gave to the jQuery DC Meetup.

What is d3?

  • Not a chart library (though you can make charts with it)
  • Not a map library (though you can make maps with it)

Which is to say, d3 can be used for building things, but the 'atomic parts' are lower-level than bar graphs or projections or so on. This is a powerful fact. It also means that d3 is a good basis for simple interfaces, like Vega.js, that make its power accessible in other ways.

  • Not a compatibility layer (it doesn't work with bad browsers)
# config/routes.rb
resources :documents do
scope module: 'documents' do
resources :versions do
post :restore, on: :member
resource :lock