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Stressful at work

Kiryuu Sakuya misaka00251

Stressful at work
View GitHub Profile
# This tool is only used to "decrypt" the github enterprise source code.
# Run in the /data directory of the instance.
require "zlib"
require "byebug"
KEY = "This obfuscation is intended to discourage GitHub Enterprise customers "+
anonymous / gist:06090717c8e1d047bc99d2b140cfae8d
Created November 14, 2016 05:34
shmup /
Last active March 9, 2025 15:43
transmission blocklist guide

Transmission Blocklist

The Transmission torrent client has an option to set a Blocklist, which helps protect you from getting caught and having the DMCA send a letter/email.

It's as simple as downloading and installing the latest client:

Dear Dean Herbert,
On behalf of RIAJ member record companies ( hereinafter, the "Record
Companies"), I am hereby notifying you I have found URL addresses
registered under your service name OSU! containing programs
infringing the Copyrights of the Record Companies and request immediate
removal, or disable access to, the material uploaded on your web site as
合同会社クローバーソフトウェア ALcot法務 ******です。
To the OSU copyright staff
Music used for a shown animation is the musical piece that Hazuki Co., Ltd. holds a copyright.
This deleted it as a fair right of the copyright maintainer and called.
The exhibited file violates our copyright, property remarkably.
Please specify that it is an open real time stop, copyright violation.
The music that is targeted for the copyright violation:Akai Yakusoku
peppy / dmca_2015-06-14_eyal.txt
Created June 13, 2015 23:03
Hello, I'm Eyal Golan and I want to notify you that your site offers a packaged download for my music.
To prevent us from taking any further step and send a DMCA notice, please remove the copyrighted content from your site:
I want you to take this message as a serious one. Take the appropriate actions and notify me afterwards.
I, Eyal Golan, have a good faith belief that use of the copyrighted materials described above on the allegedly infringing web pages is not authorized by me, my agent or by the law.
I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in the notification is accurate and that I am the copyright owner or am authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.
To the OSU copyright staff
Music used for a shown animation is the musical piece that Hazuki Co., Ltd. holds a copyright.
This deleted it as a fair right of the copyright maintainer and called.
The exhibited file violates our copyright, property remarkably.
Please specify that it is an open real time stop, copyright violation.
The music that is targeted for the copyright violation:Akai Yakusoku
peppy / dmca_a_hisa.txt
Created November 15, 2014 03:27
DMCA notice (a_hisa)
Copyright Owner Contact Information
A***** H******
Email: a*****_h***
Infringing Content: