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Armin Ronacher mitsuhiko

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location /webhook/17cbb307-94ec-446b-a17b-ab82594c974c {
if ($request_method != 'POST') {
return 405;
content_by_lua 'ngx.print(io.popen("/path/to/"):read("*a"))';
mitsuhiko / .gitconfig
Last active January 30, 2021 20:22
Adds the ultimate of all pull request commands to git
# Alternatively don't use slog but something else. I just like that more.
slog = log --pretty=format:"%C(auto,yellow)%h%C(auto)%d\\ %C(auto,reset)%s\\ \\ [%C(auto,blue)%cn%C(auto,reset),\\ %C(auto,cyan)%ar%C(auto,reset)]"
addprx = "!f() { b=`git symbolic-ref -q --short HEAD` && \
git fetch origin pull/$1/head:pr/$1 && \
git fetch -f origin pull/$1/merge:PR_MERGE_HEAD && \
git rebase --onto $b PR_MERGE_HEAD^ pr/$1 && \
git branch -D PR_MERGE_HEAD && \
git checkout $b && echo && \
git diff --stat $$1 && echo && \