Picked these from here
Command | Note |
Ctrl + a | go to the start of the command line |
Ctrl + e | go to the end of the command line |
Ctrl + k | delete from cursor to the end of the command line |
.ofType(SOMETYPE).pipe( | |
tap(_ => console.log('effect still alive and kicking')), | |
map(action => action.payload), | |
// switchMap, mergeMap, concatMap, exhaustMap? | |
switchMap(payload => this.myService.putSomething(payload).pipe( | |
map(response => new MySuccessAction(response)), | |
catchError(err => of(new MyFailureAction())), | |
), | |
) |
// I don't want to unwrap store observables, but looks like there is no other way | |
export class PageComponent { | |
columnsToDisplay = ['firstName', 'lastName']; | |
students$: Observable<Student[]>; | |
studentsDataSource$: Observable<MatTableDataSource<Student>>; | |
filterCtrl = new FormControl(''); | |
// this works, but performance-wise is doubtful | |
ngOnInit() { |
Picked these from here
Command | Note |
Ctrl + a | go to the start of the command line |
Ctrl + e | go to the end of the command line |
Ctrl + k | delete from cursor to the end of the command line |
ASCI art characters for creating diagrams