New comment for each day of the capstone
Pairin Strengths & Professional Development
What is your greatest strength and how do you know? I have always thought that one of my greatest strengths is critical thinking. I am often analyzing things, trying to figure out why things are the way that they are. This includes anything from why something is designed a certain way to greater picture concepts like social or political issues. I feel like I started recognizing this skill years ago when I began getting into writing my own music. I have spent hours on songs, rearranging them in different ways, trying t
What role does empathy play in your life and how has it helped you? I have used empathy to improve my working relationships with others. Instead of letting my personal thoughts and perspectives cloud my vision, I have learned the value in looking at things from other perspectives and often surprise myself at what I find. It can be easy to believe your own mental fallacies and that belief only grows stronger over time, however people have surprised me by giving their perspective that may be different from mine and bringing up things I would have never thought of.
How does empathy help you build better software? It allows you to see past your own vision for what you think the software should be, and envision what other people with different needs might want in a program. If you are able to strip away your own ego and understand someone elses perspective, it can really help you be more successful not just in a workplace but in the world.
Why is empathy important for working on a team? Similarly, o
The assignments listed here should take you between 1.5 and 2 total hours.
To start this assignment:
- Click the button in the upper right-hand corner that says Fork. This is now your copy of the document.
- Click the Edit button when you're ready to start adding your answers.
- To save your work, click the green button in the bottom right-hand corner. You can always come back and re-edit your gist.
Start Campfire | |
1. Collect Wood | |
1.1 Large pieces | |
1.1.1 Walk into woods | | Find logs on ground | | Return large pieces to firepit | |
1.2 Small Pieces | |
1.2.1 Find tree | | Check if tree is dead/dry | | Snap Branches into small pieces |
Class Book | |
attributes | |
Table_of_Contents (boolean) | |
Page_Count (integer) | |
Author (string) | |
Copyright_year (integer) | |
Book_Open (boolean) | |
*note, we did have 'release year (repressings) but realized that would probably be better as an array. |
Object Moby Dick | |
release_year (1851) | |
author ('herman_melville') | |
Table of Contents (Yes) | |
Page_Count (500) |
If we have a function defined as function sayHello(){console.log("Hello!")}, what is the difference between entering sayHello and sayHello() in the console? | |
When you type the function defined with parenthesis, it just returns undefined. If you do not include parenthesis, it is returned as a syntax error. | |
What is the difference between function parameters and arguments? | |
Parameters indicate what information a function needs to know in order to work (ex. width, height) | |
Arguments use the return value of the parameters and pass it along into the code. |