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Michael Pearmain mpearmain

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agramfort /
Created March 18, 2012 13:10 — forked from fabianp/
Pairwise ranking using scikit-learn LinearSVC
Implementation of pairwise ranking using scikit-learn LinearSVC
Reference: "Large Margin Rank Boundaries for Ordinal Regression", R. Herbrich,
T. Graepel, K. Obermayer.
Authors: Fabian Pedregosa <[email protected]>
Alexandre Gramfort <[email protected]>
vlandham /
Last active March 21, 2024 12:57
Feature Branches and Pull Requests : Walkthrough

Here's a little walkthrough of how Yannick and I are using feature branches and pull requests to develop new features and adding them to the project. Below are the steps I take when working on a new feature. Hopefully this, along with watching the process on Github, will serve as a starting point to having everyone use a similar workflow.

Questions, comments, and suggestions for improvements welcome!

Start with the latest on master

When starting a new feature, I make sure to start with the latest and greatest codebase:

git checkout master
map_col = lambda dat,col: col+"-"
gen_hash_item = lambda field, feat: '{0}:{1}:1'.format(field,hashstr(feat))
def gen_hash_row(feats,label):
result = []
for idx, item in enumerate(feats):
val = item.split('-')[-1]
if val != 'nan':
lbl = 1
if label == 0: