I noticed that an example from the node.js documentation was behaving in an unexpected way. It is the second example for the Cluster module. You can see it on both of these pages:
- http://nodejs.org/docs/v0.6.9/api/cluster.html
- http://nodemanual.org/latest/nodejs_ref_guide/cluster.html
First off, note that the nodemanual.org examples link to the Cloud9 IDE, which doesn't support the Cluster module -- it might be nice to note this to save a lot of people the trouble of finding it out for themselves.
The behavior I was seeing is that "numReqs" was increasing by 2: 0, 2, 4... instead of the expected 0, 1, 2...
On the node.js IRC channel, I was helped by bnoordhuis & AndreasMadsen.