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Mischa Rodermond mrpapercut

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mrpapercut / api.js
Last active December 6, 2016 20:59
Webcam to Philips Hue. Logical file order: package.json, server.js, api.js, index.html
'use strict';
import {HueApi, lightState} from 'node-hue-api';
import creds from './constants/credentials'; // JSON object containing Hue Bridge ip-address and user credentials
class Api {
constructor() {
this.api = new HueApi(creds.hue.hostname, creds.user.username);
this.lights = [];
mrpapercut / Viewport Helper
Last active November 19, 2016 19:17
Google Chrome 49 removed the Viewport Helper, an indicator that shows the dimensions of the current window. Especially useful when developing a responsive website
(() => {
const vpd = document.createElement('div'),
st = {
'position': 'fixed',
'right': '0',
'top': '0',
'border': '5px solid #ccc',
'background': '#ccc',
'font-family': 'Arial',
'font-size': '13px',
mrpapercut / colorContrast.js
Created January 7, 2016 13:04
Calculate if your text is readable on a colored background for colorblind people
* ColorContrast
* Check if your text is readable on your background for colorblind people
* Usage:
* colorContrast(foregroundColor, backgroundColor)
* if true, the contrast is sufficient
const hexToRgb = hex => {
mrpapercut / RunAsAdmin.bat
Created September 17, 2015 08:12
Batch script that runs code as admin when called as non-admin
GOTO checkAdmin
:: Check if batch-file is run with admin privileges
FSUTIL dirty query %systemdrive% >nul 2>&1
IF %errorLevel% == 1 (
GOTO isNotAdmin
) ELSE (
GOTO isAdmin
mrpapercut / emailaddresses.txt
Last active September 17, 2015 13:17
List of fake emailaddresses based on A Song Of Ice And Fire characters
Adarys, Alequo, [email protected]
Ahai, Azor, [email protected]
Allyrion, Delonne, [email protected]
Allyrion, Ryon, [email protected]
Alyn, Sour, [email protected]
Ambrose, Alyn, [email protected]
Ambrose, Arthur, [email protected]
Ambrose, Aubrey, [email protected]
Ambrose, Edmund, [email protected]
Antaryon, Ferrego, [email protected]
mrpapercut / app.js
Last active September 29, 2023 17:15
Chrome Packaged App example
* Javascript goes here