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Mar Zandvliet mzandvliet

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- alley_walkway_4x4 (5): 36 texels
- border_76: 36 texels
- border_25: 36 texels
- border_70: 36 texels
- border_31: 36 texels
- border_22: 36 texels
- alley_walkway_4x4 (14): 36 texels
- border_72: 36 texels
- border_55: 36 texels
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mzandvliet / HapticTest.cs
Created January 3, 2018 17:12
OVR Haptics Example
using UnityEngine;
* Haptics internal update (Process()) is triggered by OVRManager, which
* you need to have in your scene.
public class HapticTest : MonoBehaviour {
private OVRHapticsClip _clip;
private void OnClientAddPlayer(NetworkMessage netmsg) {
var msg = netmsg.ReadMessage<AddPlayerMessage>();
Debug.Log("Spawning object for player: " + msg.playerControllerId);
/* First, create instance and spawn it */
var instance = (GameObject)Instantiate(_playerPrefab,, Quaternion.identity);
NetworkServer.AddPlayerForConnection(netmsg.conn, instance, msg.playerControllerId);
/* Then add role-specific components and resolve dependencies, if prefab needs it */
mzandvliet / broken_value_type_wrapping.cs
Last active August 29, 2015 14:26
Broken Value Type Wrapping
// This is broken in Unity 5.x's built-in version of Mono, which is admittedly rather old.
// Compiling with VS2013 it works as intended.
public struct WrapperType<T> {
public float Timestamp;
public T Value;
public struct MyValueType {
public float floatA;
var Child = React.createClass({
render: function() {
if(this.props.isHighlighted) {
return <h1>{}</h1>;
} else {
return <span>{}</span>;