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ndsamuelson / digital-clock-in-javascript.markdown
Created March 14, 2019 23:35
Digital Clock In JavaScript
ndsamuelson /
Last active December 2, 2021 11:46
anonfiles/bayfiles/fichier bash thing
# My name is
# Usage ./ "bayfiles/anonfiles_URL"
# OR without argument and paste to the prompt ...
# Dependencies: System Tor OR Tor Browser running, curl
# Set minimal download_rate limit here ( Ko )
tcurl() {
ndsamuelson /
Created December 4, 2021 12:25
Crack zip files with wordlist
from tqdm import tqdm
import zipfile
protected_file = input("Zip file: ")
wordlist = input("Choose wordlist: ")
zip_file = zipfile.ZipFile(protected_file)
ndsamuelson /
Last active September 18, 2024 14:57
Tor Authentication via Control Port

Authentication to Tor via ControlPort

I'm using cookie authentication

Cookie authentication simply means that your credential is the content of a file in Tor's DataDirectory. You can learn information about Tor's method of authentication (including the cookie file's location) by calling PROTOCOLINFO.

ndsamuelson /
Last active December 15, 2021 07:30
Hashing ecryption and encoding


Hashing, encryption and encoding (by Michal Špaček)


plaintext ➡️ hash hash ⛔ plaintext

Symmetric encryption

function serpentlockprio()
vcombo = {nil}
--Primary Venom Selection
if affstrack.score.weariness > 24 and affstrack.score.impatience > 24 and affstrack.score.asthma > 24 then
if affstrack.score.slickness < 100 then
if affstrack.score.anorexia < 100 then
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>Artemis Archives.html</title>
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You see the following people here:
Landon, Serra, Alanar, Mycen, Rollanz, Minxie, Korolath, Zelia, Keorin, Ibor, Yikez, Tankara, Ainly, Sothantos, Danna, Argwin, Garros, Ellenroh, Colgano, Vadanea, Leiri, Cherryanne, Vinceres, Santar, Tofi, Desin, Avianca, Vinzent, Shirim, Mina, Kondar, Paisly, Maelyn, Jiah, Balsam, Iohanna, Tukio, Johlo, Irissa, Naoma, Tarvius, Imyrr, Candi, Lynara, Gurklukke, Senoske, Azuros, Shirszae, Auri, Havyn, Ploutos, Auria, Atalkez, Ellowyne, Meriet, Exivus, Oceana, Torrent, Phthia, Jakiro, Clarinna, Abuha, Aelyn, Aeka, Miceal, Haastig, Gaia, Krystahle, Kero, Valaria, Ioheli, Giddieon
Stirring the undergrowth, the hushed cadence of the Earthmother resonates, "It is time."
The crackle of lightning accompanies Speaker Colgano Vorondil, Savage Reaper's voice as he shouts, "Anachai, Tionalaim."
Amberous spores drift through the atmosphere, petrifying into the perennial form of the Earthmother.
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I8' ,ggggg, I8 dP ,gggg,gg gg gg
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